Enjoy the most popular apps here! 20,000+ users downloaded Learn French Language latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You get various free apps from the store. This hot app was released on 2018-05-21. If you like it, just download and enjoy this app!
Available in this app
- Learning materials in podcast and video.
- Materials are provided from popular and reputable resources. For example Learn French by Podcast, Daily French Pod, French Your way, FrenchPod101 and more
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Tersedia di aplikasi ini
- bahan Learning di podcast dan video.
- Bahan disediakan dari sumber populer dan terkemuka. Misalnya Belajar bahasa Perancis oleh Podcast, harian Perancis Pod, French cara Anda, FrenchPod101 dan lebih
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- Content are added and updated regularly
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