ikon Latido Music for Android TV

Latido Music for Android TV

v1.0.rc20190823161504 for Android
3.0 | 5,000+ Instal

GoDigital Media Group

Penjabaran dari 9apps Latido

Welcome to the official store for application World. 20,000+ users downloaded Latido Music for Android TV latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app has been greatly welcomed in India. This hot app was released on 2019-09-12. More similar hot applications can be found here too.
Latido Music is a hybrid 24-hour linear and on-demand Television Network for Latin Music fans in the United States, Latin America and Spain. Serving the population of over 100 million Spanish-speaking millennial and Generation Z viewers, the channel features music video programs with the biggest hits, hottest music stars and newest artists, as well as news and original shows that take you deeper into the music, the culture and lifestyle of popular Latin music.
Latido Music adalah Jaringan Televisi 24 jam linier dan sesuai permintaan hybrid untuk penggemar Musik Latin di Amerika Serikat, Amerika Latin, dan Spanyol. Melayani populasi lebih dari 100 juta pemirsa milenium dan Generasi Z berbahasa Spanyol, saluran ini menampilkan program video musik dengan hits terbesar, bintang musik terpanas dan artis terbaru, serta berita dan pertunjukan asli yang membawa Anda lebih jauh ke dalam musik, budaya dan gaya hidup musik Latin populer.

Memperbarui Latido v1.0.rc20190823161504

App release


  • Kategori:
    Musik & Audio
  • Versi Terbaru:
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.4 or later
  • Diupdate:
    GoDigital Media Group
  • ID:
  • Available on: