ikon LED Name

LED Name

1.0.7 for Android
4.0 | 500,000+ Instal | ULASAN

App Basic

Penjabaran dari 9apps LED Name

LED Name live wallpaper display your desired name or keyword on your screen in LED lights.
LED Name live wallpaper is one of a kind live wallpaper which is clear and crisp with LED lights.
You can give any input as name to the app and can change different types of fonts for the name.
A simple and light User interface is easy to use and apply the wallpaper.
Can add two keywords or two names as input.
Can add different fonts to the names provided.
Developed with minimal battery usage.
Led Name Live wallpaper is completely free to download.

Memperbarui LED Name 1.0.7

Bug Fixes and Feature Enhancements


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    App Basic
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    Saya kasih bintang dua dlu
    2020-09-16 05:10
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    Aplikasi inii Sangatt Bagussss Baguss bngt dehhhhh Akuu Ksihh Bintang 4
    2019-11-21 07:50
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    2019-10-31 13:11
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    Sudah aku unistol lagi...
    2019-09-22 07:01
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    coba dulu
    2019-06-05 14:02
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    coba dulu.
    2019-05-06 07:31