Ustadz Ridwan Salut Dengan Haikal | KUN ANTA Eps 133 (5/7)
Lukman gets annoyed with himself | KUN ANTA Eps 134 (5/6)
The tea is still hot when you drink Sobri | KUN ANTA Eps 138 (1/6)
This is the first time Sobri is overwhelmed | KUN ANTA Eps 154 (3/5)
Haikal is Angry at the Bemo Trio | KUN ANTA Eps 151 (2/5)
Haikal & Sobri are really good at lighting up the atmosphere | KUN ANTA Eps 156 (4/5)
Ustadz Musa Kaget Dengar Biaya Operasi Nya | KUN ANTA Eps 140 (5/5)
Haikal Will Prove That He Is Not Wrong | KUN ANTA Eps 153 (1/5)