Find most popular android apps here! 20,000+ users downloaded Kenya Covid-19 Tracker latest version on 9Apps for free every week! In addition, the latest version of the app has updated a lot of features. This hot app was released on 2020-04-29. If you like it, just download and enjoy this app!
The Kenya Covid-19 tracking application is an android application developed for Kenya’s COVID-19 surveillance & response team. The app is designed for use together with the KenyaEMR Covid-19 tracking system and is for use by field disease surveillance teams to report suspected Covid19 cases to the national surveillance system, conduct case investigations by submitting laboratory requests to the national testing laboratories through the Kenya EMR Covid-19 tracking system. The Kenya Covid-19 tracking app can also be used by Covid-19 contact tracing teams to conduct tracing and follow-up of contacts of patients confirmed to be Covid-19 infected and for monitoring these contacts during the quarantine period.
Aplikasi pelacakan Covid-19 Kenya adalah aplikasi android yang dikembangkan untuk tim pengawasan & respons COVID-19 Kenya. Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk digunakan bersama dengan sistem pelacakan KenyaEMR Covid-19 dan untuk digunakan oleh tim pengawasan penyakit lapangan untuk melaporkan dugaan kasus Covid19 ke sistem pengawasan nasional, melakukan penyelidikan kasus dengan mengirimkan permintaan laboratorium ke laboratorium pengujian nasional melalui Kenya Sistem pelacakan EMR Covid-19. Aplikasi pelacakan Kenya Covid-19 juga dapat digunakan oleh tim pelacakan kontak Covid-19 untuk melakukan pelacakan dan tindak lanjut dari kontak pasien yang dipastikan terinfeksi Covid-19 dan untuk memantau kontak ini selama periode karantina.
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