InstAppDeals, or InstApp for short, is a special purpose application that puts word of mouth communication on a technology platform.
Our users are in control of their shopping experience as they only follow stores they are interested in and they only receive word of mouth communications or referrals from people they know and trust.
Within their personal networks customers can:
- Share their purchase saving details and shopping experiences in real time directly from the point of sale.
- Recommend promotional items and coupons based on a customer's personal understanding of what their family and friends are interested in.
- Receive word of mouth notifications of what people are purchasing and recommending.
- Follow stores they are interested in and never miss a sale again.
- Purchase promotional products that have been endorsed by a friend or followed at a store.
For further details please visit our website at
All your favorite stores' feeds and promotions available on a single app:
1. Check out 'Followed Stores' Twitter feed aggregated at home screen and dedicated at the store detail view
2. Check out 'Followed stores' Web Promotions at the store detail view
3. Share Web and Feed Store Promotions with your friends at Instapp and other social media platforms
4. Share the promotions through SMS (Permission required)
5. Better aggregated feeds