9Apps supports free android apps apk download. 20,000+ users downloaded Hearing Test latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It works great even on 2G. This hot app was released on 2020-01-05. To read more information, you can go to 9Apps.
Application created for research in the project
"Smartphone-based audiometry: building and validating a hearing test application"
Currently implemented:
Tone Hearing Test
Tone gap test
Speech test according to Lopotko. (Valid in RU mode. MVP has done to run the user interface of solutions and algorithms. )
Speech Test Based on the Matrix Test
All tests can collect information about ambient noise.
Future plans:
Finalization of the Voice test based on feedback from users.
Frequency differential sensitivity tone test
Adding masking noise to implemented tests
Calculation of hearing correction based on the test result based on NAL, Berger, POGO.
Testing for improved speech intelligibility by conducting speech tests with correction enabled
Aplikasi yang dibuat untuk penelitian dalam proyek ini
"Audiometri berbasis smartphone: membangun dan memvalidasi aplikasi tes pendengaran"
Diimplementasikan saat ini:
Tes Pendengaran Nada
Tes celah nada
Tes bicara menurut Lopotko. (Berlaku dalam mode RU. MVP telah melakukan untuk menjalankan antarmuka pengguna dari solusi dan algoritma.)
Tes Bicara Berdasarkan Tes Matriks
Semua tes dapat mengumpulkan informasi tentang kebisingan sekitar.
Rencana masa depan:
Finalisasi tes Suara berdasarkan umpan balik dari pengguna.
Uji nada sensitivitas diferensial frekuensi
Menambahkan noise masking ke pengujian yang diimplementasikan
Perhitungan koreksi pendengaran berdasarkan hasil tes berdasarkan NAL, Berger, POGO.
Menguji peningkatan kejelasan bicara dengan melakukan tes bicara dengan koreksi diaktifkan
minor fixes, read saved locally fixed
added an example of words to MVP "Limited Frequency Speech Audiometry" to demonstrate the algorithm, but the spoken asset will be added later due to lack of time
UX changes after being checked by Gen Z representative