Discover apps for Android here, 20,000+ users downloaded Health Kind latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You'll found many people are using it. This hot app was released on 2019-11-30. However, has been a fashionable app for a long time.
Our company provides healthcare services in India and across the Globe. In today's era of globalization medicine, when international travel and access to online health information are readily accessible, medical tourism is important issue both for National Healthcare System and from a Global Health perspective. Medical Tourism in a broad spectrum captures a wide range of diverse activities. Where in simple words it is defined as "the practice of travelling to distant places it can be state to state or country to country with purpose of obtaining healthcare"
Healthcare facility at National Level has deprived according to the WHO data 2017 where population and requirement of healthcare need is high at the same time healthcare consultants are less.
Perusahaan kami menyediakan layanan kesehatan di India dan di seluruh Dunia. Dalam era kedokteran globalisasi saat ini, ketika perjalanan internasional dan akses ke informasi kesehatan online mudah diakses, pariwisata medis adalah masalah penting baik untuk Sistem Kesehatan Nasional dan dari perspektif Kesehatan Global. Wisata Medis dalam spektrum yang luas menangkap berbagai kegiatan yang beragam. Di mana dengan kata-kata sederhana ini didefinisikan sebagai "praktik bepergian ke tempat yang jauh itu dapat berupa negara ke negara atau negara ke negara dengan tujuan mendapatkan perawatan kesehatan"
Fasilitas layanan kesehatan di Tingkat Nasional telah dirampas menurut data WHO 2017 di mana populasi dan kebutuhan akan kebutuhan layanan kesehatan tinggi pada saat yang sama konsultan kesehatan kurang.
Health Kind