ikon Hamik


1.2 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Hamik

Here are some news for you to learn more about one of the best android apps. 30,000+ users downloaded Hamik latest version on 9Apps for free every week! One thing you need to know that this app is unique. This hot app was released on 2018-08-16. If you want it so go head and download it and enjoy your app.
Hamik is a social media platform connecting travelers with each other in your favorite hostels around the world. Plan unique activities and share once-in-a-lifetime experiences with your new friends.
Group chats are now in hostels, cafes, and more around the world. Just sign in to Hamik and see what's going on around you! Meet new people, explore new sites, and make lasting memories together.
Use Hamik to:
*Chat with a group of other travelers in more than 25 cities on all 6 continents!
*Browse a list of off-the-beaten-path activities and events in each city, from underground disco parties to 3D printer factory tours. Use Hamik if you're tired of being a tourist.
*Compare hostels to each other to find the most social atmosphere.
*Get access to a network of adventurers
Hamik adalah platform media sosial yang menghubungkan wisatawan satu sama lain di hostel favorit Anda di seluruh dunia. Rencanakan kegiatan unik dan bagikan pengalaman sekali seumur hidup dengan teman-teman baru Anda.
Obrolan grup sekarang ada di hostel, kafe, dan lainnya di seluruh dunia. Cukup masuk ke Hamik dan lihat apa yang terjadi di sekitar Anda! Ketemu orang baru, jelajahi situs baru, dan buat kenangan abadi bersama.
Gunakan Hamik untuk:
* Mengobrol dengan sekelompok wisatawan lain di lebih dari 25 kota di 6 benua!
* Telusuri daftar kegiatan dan acara di luar jalur di setiap kota, dari pesta disko bawah tanah hingga tur pabrik printer 3D. Gunakan Hamik jika Anda lelah menjadi turis.
* Bandingkan hostel satu sama lain untuk menemukan atmosfer paling sosial.
* Dapatkan akses ke jaringan petualang



  • Kategori:
    Perjalanan & Lokal
  • Versi Terbaru:
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  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
  • ID: