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How To Become A Photographer - Photographers gain their technical and artistic skills in a variety of ways. Some teach themselves, while others take classes or earn a college degree in photography.
Photography courses are offered at many technical and community colleges, and photographers can build their skills one class at a time without completing a degree. Students can take a course in the fundamentals of photography, including lighting and working with the settings on digital and film cameras. Courses in different types of photography, like wildlife photography, portrait photography, and landscape photography are also typically offered.
Many colleges offer undergraduate and graduate programs in photography, typically leading to a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), or PhD. Student in photography BFA programs learn about art history and theory, the history of photography, art theory, and photography theory. They will also spend a large amount of time in studio courses where they can practice the skills they are learning. While photography students work in darkrooms learning how to develop prints, they also learn how to use powerful photo editing software to produce digital images.
Some colleges offer degree programs in photojournalism and documentary photography. These programs can lead to bachelor’s or master’s degrees and include coursework in both journalism and photography. Students learn about journalism ethics, news writing and reporting, news editing, and news videography in addition to learning about photography skills like lighting and editing.
Because so many photographers are self-employed, it can be important for them to learn business knowledge in addition to the skills of their craft.
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Cara Menjadi Seorang Fotografer - Fotografer mendapatkan keterampilan teknis dan artistik mereka dalam berbagai cara. Beberapa mengajar diri mereka sendiri, sementara yang lain mengambil kelas atau mendapatkan gelar sarjana dalam fotografi.
Kursus fotografi ditawarkan di banyak perguruan tinggi teknis dan komunitas, dan fotografer dapat membangun keterampilan mereka satu kelas pada satu waktu tanpa menyelesaikan gelar. Siswa dapat mengambil kursus dalam dasar-dasar fotografi, termasuk pencahayaan dan bekerja dengan pengaturan pada kamera digital dan film. Kursus di berbagai jenis fotografi, seperti fotografi satwa liar, fotografi potret, dan fotografi lanskap juga biasanya ditawarkan.
Banyak perguruan tinggi menawarkan program sarjana dan pascasarjana dalam bidang fotografi, biasanya mengarah ke Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), atau PhD. Siswa dalam program fotografi BFA belajar tentang sejarah seni dan teori, sejarah fotografi, teori seni, dan teori fotografi. Mereka juga akan menghabiskan banyak waktu di kelas studio di mana mereka dapat mempraktikkan keterampilan yang mereka pelajari. Sementara siswa fotografi bekerja di ruang gelap mempelajari cara mengembangkan cetakan, mereka juga belajar bagaimana menggunakan perangkat lunak pengeditan foto yang kuat untuk menghasilkan gambar digital.
Beberapa perguruan tinggi menawarkan program gelar dalam foto jurnalistik dan fotografi dokumenter. Program-program ini dapat mengarah ke gelar sarjana atau master dan mencakup kursus baik dalam jurnalisme maupun fotografi. Siswa belajar tentang etika jurnalistik, penulisan berita dan pelaporan, penyuntingan berita, dan videografi berita di samping belajar tentang keterampilan fotografi seperti pencahayaan dan editing.
Karena begitu banyak fotografer adalah wiraswasta, penting bagi mereka untuk mempelajari pengetahuan bisnis selain keterampilan keterampilan mereka.
Instal Cara Menjadi Aplikasi Fotografer dan memulai perjalanan Anda.
First release of How To Become A Photographer.