ikon HD MX Video Player

HD MX Video Player

1.1 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

CreativeApps Inc

Penjabaran dari 9apps HD MX Video Player

What makes me unbelievable is that 20,000+ users downloaded HD MX Video Player latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Although you probably won't notice it at first. This hot app was released on 2018-12-03. You can quickly get it from 9Apps!
HD MX Video Player Application is a new multifunctional media player that will provide you with instant access to your favorite movies, songs and video clips.
1.Supports most file formats:-
Video player supports almost all video formats including AVI , MP4 , WMV , RMVB , MKV , 3GP , M4V , MOV , TS , MPG , FLV etc.
2.High Quality Video Player:-
Video Player is the ability to change the quality and size of the image, has audio and visual effects and reproduces music and video in the highest quality. Files in HD format are reproduced without problems.
3.Easy and convenient control:-
Video Player through you can easily Increases and decreases volume , Screen Brightness and Progress. Quick start and smooth and easy playback with video resume.
4.Support for subtitles:-
Video Player is also brought to perfection - almost all text formats are displayed.
Other Funcations:-
(1) All Videos are Folder wise.
(2) Video Streaming support.
(3) Lock the screen, Night mode.
(4) Quick start and smooth and easy playback with video resume.
(5) Small memory, Simple operation, Quick start.
(6) Playback speed control.
(7) Supports multi-core decoding.
If you like HD MX Video Player Application is so please don’t forget give reviews or comments for further Updates…
Aplikasi Video HD MX Player adalah pemutar media multifungsi baru yang akan memberi Anda akses cepat ke film, lagu, dan klip video favorit Anda.
1. Mendukung sebagian besar format file: -
Pemutar video mendukung hampir semua format video termasuk AVI, MP4, WMV, RMVB, MKV, 3GP, M4V, MOV, TS, MPG, FLV, dll.
2. Pemutar Video Berkualitas Tinggi: -
Pemutar Video adalah kemampuan untuk mengubah kualitas dan ukuran gambar, memiliki efek audio dan visual serta mereproduksi musik dan video dalam kualitas tertinggi. File dalam format HD direproduksi tanpa masalah.
3. Kontrol mudah dan nyaman: -
Pemutar Video melalui Anda dapat dengan mudah Menambah dan mengurangi volume, Kecerahan Layar dan Kemajuan. Mulai cepat dan pemutaran lancar dan mudah dengan resume video.
4.Support untuk terjemahan: -
Video Player juga dibawa ke kesempurnaan - hampir semua format teks ditampilkan.
Funcations lainnya: -
(1) Semua Video adalah Folder bijaksana.
(2) Dukungan Video Streaming.
(3) Kunci layar, mode Malam.
(4) Mulai cepat dan pemutaran lancar dan mudah dengan resume video.
(5) Memori kecil, Operasi sederhana, Mulai cepat.
(6) Kontrol kecepatan pemutaran.
(7) Mendukung multi-core decoding.
Jika Anda suka Aplikasi Video HD MX Player, harap jangan lupa berikan ulasan atau komentar untuk Pembaruan lebih lanjut ...


  • Kategori:
    Media & Video
  • Versi Terbaru:
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    CreativeApps Inc
  • ID: