9Apps supports free android apps apk download. 20,000+ users downloaded Gym WorkOut latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This is a wonderful app which is unique in android apps. This hot app was released on 2019-08-03. More similar hot applications can be found here too.
Always start your workout with a warm up – warm up decreases the risk of injury and improves your performance. You need to choose the optimal load for the warm up.
Get enough rest– resting period after one gym workout is at least 48 hours; it might be even longer depending on the size of the weight load.
Train in moderation– it’s not quantity, it’s the quality that counts. One workout session can take max 90 minutes. Also, you must systematically think your session through before starting the workout.
Stretch your muscles and help them to recover– post-workout stretching exercises are important; they help to decrease the next day’s muscle tension and prevent injuries. In addition relaxation activities such as swimming and or walking, sauna, various hydrotherapeutic procedures, massage and definitely enough sleep.
Selalu mulai latihan Anda dengan pemanasan - pemanasan mengurangi risiko cedera dan meningkatkan kinerja Anda. Anda harus memilih beban optimal untuk pemanasan.
Istirahat yang cukup - periode istirahat setelah satu latihan olahraga minimal 48 jam; mungkin lebih lama tergantung pada ukuran beban berat.
Berlatih dalam jumlah sedang - ini bukan kuantitas, itu kualitas yang diperhitungkan. Satu sesi latihan bisa memakan waktu maksimal 90 menit. Juga, Anda harus secara sistematis memikirkan sesi Anda sebelum memulai latihan.
Regangkan otot Anda dan bantu mereka pulih - latihan peregangan pasca-latihan itu penting; mereka membantu mengurangi ketegangan otot hari berikutnya dan mencegah cedera. Selain itu kegiatan relaksasi seperti berenang dan atau berjalan, sauna, berbagai prosedur hidroterapi, pijat dan pasti cukup tidur.