9Apps is your first choice to download apps. 30,000+ users downloaded Guns mod for MCPE latest version on 9Apps for free every week! When you click, the app will start downloading and wait till it completes installation you can start play. This hot app was released on 2018-08-04. If you want it so go head and download it and enjoy your app.
Mods on the Minecraft PE Weapon allow you to diversify the game process and make the adventure at times more interesting.
This mod adds to the gameplay more than forty different types of weapons, from a pistol to a rifle and a grenade launcher.
But that's not all, along with weapons in the inventory will appear and armor, able to protect the player from enemies. Below are several features of the mod.
Thanks to all these features, the player gets a huge reserve of opportunities, now you can hunt with a gun, shoot off a zombie with one gun or fight with other players using various rifles and explosive substances.
Opening access to a huge and diverse arsenal of weapons, each of which can be used for its intended purpose. This kit also includes adding to the inventory of such unique items as the parachute and the Molotov cocktail. Providing the opportunity to shoot in their old enemies with a pistol or many different types of rifles and rifles.
- DesnoGuns Info (456) – 1 Wood
- Knife (432) – 3 Iron Ingots
- Parachute (433) – 3 Wool + 3 Strings
- Medical Kit (434) – 3 Mushrooms + 2 Apples
- Grenade (453) – 4 Iron Ingots + 1 Gunpowder
- Fragment Grenade (454) – 4 Grenades
- Molotov (455) – 8 Glass + 1 Gunpowder
Ammunition and armor:
- Assault Rifle Ammo (440) – 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Sub Machine Ammo (441) – 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Light Machine Ammo (442) – 2 Iron Ingots + 2 Gunpowders
- Sniper Rifle Ammo (443) – 2 Iron Ingots + 1 Gunpowders
- Shotgun Ammo (444) – 1 Iron Ingot + 2 Gunpowders
- Machine Pistol Ammo (445) – 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Handgun Ammo (446) – 1 Iron Ingot
- Launcher Ammo (447) – 5 Gun Powders
- Minigun Ammo (448) – 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Gun Powders + 1 Redstone
- AK47 (460) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- AK74 (471) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- AT4 (462) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- AUG (463) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Barret Explosive (464) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Barret (465) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Bizon (466) – 1 Sub Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Desert Eagle (467) – 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Desert Eagle Gold (468) 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Dragunov (469) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- FNSCAR (470) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- G3 (471) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- G36 (472) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- GL1 (473) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- GL6 (474) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- Glock (475) – 1 Machine Pistol Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- L86 (476) – 1 Light Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- L96 (477) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M9 (478) – 1 Handgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M14 (479) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M16A4 (480) – 1 Assault Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M21 (481) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M40A3 (483) – 1 Sniper Rifle Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M60E4 (484) – 1 Light Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M72LAW (485) – 1 Launcher Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M249 (486) – 1 Light Machine Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M1014 (487) – 1 Shotgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
- M1887 (488) – 1 Shotgun Ammo + 4 Iron Ingots + 2 Redstones
This mod is absolutely free and is available to every fan of the game Maincraft Pocket Edition.
With such a variety, the adventure of the cubic world will become even more interesting!
Attention! This is an unofficial application for maynkrafta. We do not claim copyright. Our application is not the original mojang development product. All rights reserved. In accordance with http://account.mojang.com/documents/brand_guidelines
Mods pada Minecraft PE Senjata memungkinkan Anda untuk diversifikasi proses permainan dan membuat petualangan di kali lebih menarik.
mod ini menambah gameplay lebih dari empat puluh jenis senjata, dari pistol ke senapan dan peluncur granat.
Tapi itu tidak semua, bersama dengan senjata dalam persediaan akan muncul dan baju besi, mampu melindungi pemain dari musuh. Berikut adalah beberapa fitur dari mod.
Terima kasih kepada semua fitur ini, pemain mendapatkan cadangan besar peluang, sekarang Anda bisa berburu dengan pistol, menembak dari zombie dengan satu senjata atau bertarung dengan pemain lain menggunakan berbagai senapan dan bahan peledak.
Membuka akses ke gudang besar dan beragam senjata, masing-masing yang dapat digunakan untuk tujuan yang dimaksudkan. Kit ini juga termasuk menambah persediaan barang-barang unik seperti parasut dan bom Molotov. Memberikan kesempatan untuk menembak di musuh lama mereka dengan pistol atau berbagai jenis senapan dan senapan.
- DesnoGuns Info (456) - 1 Kayu
- Knife (432) - 3 Iron Ingot
- Parachute (433) - 3 Wol + 3 Strings
- Kit Medis (434) - 3 Jamur + 2 Apel
- Grenade (453) - 4 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Fragment Grenade (454) - 4 Granat
- Molotov (455) - 8 Kaca + 1 Gunpowder
Amunisi dan armor:
- Assault Rifle amunisi (440) - 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Sub Machine amunisi (441) - 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Light Machine amunisi (442) - 2 Iron Ingot + 2 Gunpowders
- Sniper Rifle amunisi (443) - 2 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowders
- Shotgun amunisi (444) - 1 Iron Ingot + 2 Gunpowders
- Mesin Pistol amunisi (445) - 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gunpowder
- Pistol amunisi (446) - 1 Iron Ingot
- Launcher amunisi (447) - 5 Gun Bubuk
- Minigun amunisi (448) - 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Gun Bubuk + 1 Redstone
- AK47 (460) - 1 Assault Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- AK74 (471) - 1 Assault Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- AT4 (462) - 1 Launcher amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- Agustus (463) - 1 Assault Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- Barret Explosive (464) - 1 Sniper Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- Barret (465) - 1 Sniper Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- Bizon (466) - 1 Sub Machine amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- Desert Eagle (467) - 1 Pistol amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- Desert Eagle Emas (468) 1 Pistol amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- Dragunov (469) - 1 Sniper Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- FNSCAR (470) - 1 Assault Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- G3 (471) - 1 Assault Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- G36 (472) - 1 Assault Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- GL1 (473) - 1 Launcher amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- GL6 (474) - 1 Launcher amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- Glock (475) - 1 Mesin Pistol amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- L86 (476) - 1 Cahaya Mesin amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- L96 (477) - 1 Sniper Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M9 (478) - 1 Pistol amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M14 (479) - 1 Assault Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M16A4 (480) - 1 Assault Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M21 (481) - 1 Sniper Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M40A3 (483) - 1 Sniper Rifle amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M60E4 (484) - 1 Cahaya Mesin amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M72LAW (485) - 1 Launcher amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M249 (486) - 1 Cahaya Mesin amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M1014 (487) - 1 Shotgun amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
- M1887 (488) - 1 Shotgun amunisi + 4 Iron Ingot + 2 Redstones
mod ini benar-benar gratis dan tersedia untuk setiap penggemar game Maincraft Pocket Edition.
Dengan berbagai seperti, petualangan dunia kubik akan menjadi lebih menarik!
Perhatian! Ini adalah aplikasi resmi untuk maynkrafta. Kami tidak mengklaim hak cipta. aplikasi kita bukanlah produk pengembangan Mojang asli. Seluruh hak cipta. Sesuai dengan http://account.mojang.com/documents/brand_guidelines
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