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Penjabaran dari 9apps ઘરેલું ઉપાય

It has to be noticed that 30,000+ users downloaded ઘરેલું ઉપાય latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app has been greatly welcomed in India. This hot app was released on 2020-05-20. Why not download and have a try?
I believe it's time to create a new system that revolves around health care at home.I work in logistics and for me, home health care works.
Home health care also helped them to get back a sense of normality and freedom in their lives, and they've actually helped them to forget about their disease. Home remedies may give temporary relief, but surgery is usually necessary to correct the deformed toes that cause friction.
There are several problems faced by our community, for example, non-payment or underpayment of salary, false promises made by unscrupulous recruiting agents in India, low salary and substandard living conditions, refusal of their medical treatment by their employer, arbitrary changes in the terms of employment, problems of housemaids, etc.
if you have more details you can tell me this email - mehentraj@gmail.com
Saya percaya ini saatnya untuk menciptakan sistem baru yang berputar di sekitar perawatan kesehatan di rumah. Saya bekerja di bidang logistik dan bagi saya, pekerjaan perawatan kesehatan di rumah.
 Perawatan kesehatan di rumah juga membantu mereka mendapatkan kembali rasa normal dan kebebasan dalam hidup mereka, dan mereka sebenarnya telah membantu mereka melupakan penyakit mereka. Home remedies dapat memberikan bantuan sementara, tetapi operasi biasanya diperlukan untuk memperbaiki jari kaki yang cacat yang menyebabkan gesekan.
Ada beberapa masalah yang dihadapi oleh komunitas kami, misalnya, gaji yang tidak dibayar atau kurang bayar, janji-janji palsu yang dibuat oleh agen perekrut yang tidak bermoral di India, gaji rendah dan kondisi hidup di bawah standar, penolakan perawatan medis mereka oleh majikan mereka, perubahan sewenang-wenang dalam ketentuan pekerjaan, masalah pembantu rumah tangga, dll.
jika Anda memiliki detail lebih lanjut, Anda dapat memberi tahu saya email ini - mehentraj@gmail.com

Memperbarui ઘરેલું ઉપાય 1.0

Best knowledge of health and increase your immune energy.


  • Kategori:
    Kesehatan & Kebugaran
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
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