ikon Free Music Player: SoundCloud Online Music Audio

Free Music Player: SoundCloud Online Music Audio

1.0.0 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

Beautiful Girl & Music Team

Penjabaran dari 9apps Free Music

Following is the introduction of a wonderful App. 20,000+ users downloaded Free Music latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Players who wants to play both because this app is good and because the app are response quickly at any time. This hot app was released on 2018-06-09. You can find more interesting apps at 9Apps!
Discover and listen to millions of top music all over the world! No need to download songs anymore: with online streaming, you can instantly play from an endless free music catalog any song you like. Tap on any track and listen for hours using free music discovery based on recommendations.
Key Features:
● Browse the daily Top music, Top Channel in Top tracks, suggest you all Popular Playlist, all music Genres.
● Search your lovely artists, songs.
● Record your history playlist, create your favorite playlist, save your recognition playlist.
● No need to download your favorite musics anymore, now you have all your musics in FreeMusic for free.
● Best music player for finding and listening trending music. Play your favorite music videos right on your phone, even tablet!
● Totally FREE !
SoundCloud Content:
● Search among millions of SoundCloud music for free: smart search with suggestions
● Browse the daily Top Charts songs: USA, Brazil, UK…choose your Top!
● Access different music genres: Electronic, Soul, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rhythm & blues, Disco, Jazz and more
● Discover our radios based on SoundCloud music videos. Whether you want to sleep, party, concentrate or do some workout, there is a radio for you
● Start a radio for hours of free music, no need to download your tracks anymore
● Access in a click a tab dedicated to your music you’ve recently liked Unlimited Free Music
● Search for music is so easy: Look for songs from the top charts, various genres.
● Discover the latest music: Never be out of the loop
● Popular free music from Top Charts
Feel the Power of Music:
● Free streaming, music search and hits library
● Play songs, discover music and free albums
● Listen free music from trending artists
Take control by yourself:
● Listen to artists and albums, or create your own playlist
● Easily manage your favorite music and songs
● Shuffle, Loop and Repeat mode
Free Unlimited Music Never Ends from Now! FreeMusic has more amazing features, all waiting to be discovered by you! No limit, no subscription, total free music, download to install and enjoy it now!
PLEASE NOTE FreeMusic is a third party app. All the content is provided by SoundCloud services. Therefore FreeMusic does not have direct control over the content displayed. FreeMusic is not a music downloader. An internet connection is required (wifi or cellular data).
Temukan dan mendengarkan jutaan musik top di seluruh dunia! Tidak perlu men-download lagu lagi: dengan online streaming, Anda dapat langsung bermain dari katalog musik gratis tak terbatas lagu apapun yang Anda suka. Ketuk di jalur apapun dan mendengarkan jam menggunakan penemuan musik gratis berdasarkan rekomendasi.
Fitur Utama:
  ● Browse musik Top harian, Channel di trek Top, menyarankan Anda semua Populer Playlist, semua Genre musik.
  ● Cari seniman yang indah Anda, lagu-lagu.
  ● Rekam playlist sejarah Anda, membuat playlist favorit Anda, menyimpan playlist pengakuan Anda.
  ● Tidak perlu men-download musik favorit Anda lagi, sekarang Anda memiliki semua musik Anda di Freemusic gratis.
  ● pemutar musik terbaik untuk menemukan dan mendengarkan tren musik. Putar video musik favorit Anda di ponsel Anda, bahkan tablet!
  ● Benar-benar GRATIS!
SoundCloud Konten:
  ● Cari di antara jutaan SoundCloud musik gratis: pencarian pintar dengan saran
  ● Telusuri harian Top Charts lagu: Amerika Serikat, Brazil, UK ... memilih Top Anda!
  ● Akses yang berbeda genre musik: Elektronik, Soul, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rhythm & Blues, Disco, Jazz dan lebih
  ● Temukan radio kami berdasarkan video musik SoundCloud. Apakah Anda ingin tidur, pesta, berkonsentrasi atau melakukan beberapa latihan, ada radio untuk Anda
  ● Mulai radio untuk jam musik gratis, tidak perlu men-download lagu Anda lagi
  ● Access dalam satu klik tab yang didedikasikan untuk musik Anda Anda baru saja menyukai Gratis Unlimited Music
  ● Cari untuk musik sangat mudah: Carilah lagu dari tangga lagu top, berbagai genre.
  ● Temukan musik terbaru: Jangan pernah keluar dari loop
  ● Populer musik gratis dari Charts Top
Rasakan Kekuatan Musik:
  ● Gratis streaming, pencarian musik dan hits perpustakaan
  ● Putar lagu, menemukan musik dan bebas album
  ● Dengarkan musik gratis dari tren seniman
Ambil kontrol sendiri:
  ● Dengarkan artis dan album, atau membuat playlist sendiri
  ● Mudah mengelola musik favorit Anda dan lagu
  ● Shuffle, Loop dan modus Ulangi
Gratis Musik Unlimited Never Ends dari Sekarang! Freemusic memiliki fitur yang lebih menakjubkan, semua menunggu untuk ditemukan oleh Anda! Tidak ada batas, tidak ada langganan, Total musik gratis, download untuk menginstal dan menikmatinya sekarang!
PERHATIKAN Freemusic adalah aplikasi pihak ketiga. Semua konten yang disediakan oleh layanan SoundCloud. Oleh karena itu Freemusic tidak memiliki kontrol langsung atas konten yang ditampilkan. Freemusic bukan downloader musik. Koneksi internet diperlukan (wifi atau data seluler).

Memperbarui Free Music 1.0.0

Hey guys! We made some awesome changes:
1. Search optimization which can more accurately find the song
2. More online songs to meet your music hobby
3. Huge Performance Improvements
4. Several important bug fixes
5. Fixed device crash when customizing theme on Samsung devices.
Please keep sending us feedback at nengxing2017@gmail.com, you are an amazing help for the app's development :)


  • Kategori:
    Musik & Audio
  • Versi Terbaru:
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Beautiful Girl & Music Team
  • ID: