FlyingRoses is your fastest way to send flowers, cakes, balloons and exclusive gifts from local florists and specialty shops. Countries covered include Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and Cyprus. The FlyingRoses network has been serving thousands of happy customers since 2006 and excels in reliable and timely deliveries.
Install the Free App on your Android mobile phone or tablet, select your destination country and let us relay your feelings.
FlyingRoses adalah cara tercepat untuk mengirim bunga, kue, balon dan hadiah eksklusif dari toko bunga lokal dan toko-toko khusus. Negara yang dibahas meliputi Lebanon, Uni Emirat Arab, Kuwait, Yordania, Qatar, Arab Saudi, Mesir, Bahrain dan Siprus. Jaringan FlyingRoses telah melayani ribuan pelanggan senang sejak 2006 dan unggul dalam pengiriman yang handal dan tepat waktu.
Instal App Gratis di ponsel Android atau tablet, pilih negara tujuan dan biarkan kami menyampaikan perasaan Anda.