Get the best free apps for your android phones. 20,000+ users downloaded FloCare latest version on 9Apps for free every week! More features are involved in this new version. This hot app was released on 2018-08-02. I believe that if you are an android apps lover, you would not miss it.
An app built bottoms-up for home health clinicians. FloCare solves clinician needs that are unmet by EHRs and other apps. With FloCare, clinicians can easily access information about patients and visits even without internet connectivity. In a single click, clinicians can call or navigate to a patient's home. Clinicians can minimize time on the road by optimizing the route for a given day through map view. Overall, FloCare helps clinicians be more productive, spend less time on the road and get ahead of documentation.
Sebuah aplikasi built bottoms-up untuk dokter kesehatan di rumah. FloCare memecahkan kebutuhan klinisi yang belum terpenuhi oleh EHRs dan aplikasi lain. Dengan FloCare, dokter dapat dengan mudah mengakses informasi tentang pasien dan kunjungan bahkan tanpa konektivitas internet. Dalam satu klik, dokter dapat memanggil atau menavigasi ke rumah pasien. Dokter dapat meminimalkan waktu di jalan dengan mengoptimalkan rute untuk hari tertentu melalui tampilan peta. Secara keseluruhan, FloCare membantu dokter menjadi lebih produktif, menghabiskan lebih sedikit waktu di jalan dan maju dokumentasi.
Visits now have time attached to them.
User can see visits by other clinicians on the same day.