What makes me unbelievable is that 20,000+ users downloaded Flashlight-LED latest version on 9Apps for free every week! In addition, the latest version of the app has updated a lot of features. This hot app was released on 2018-06-15. You can enjoy the most completed function of this app.
Flashlight: LED Torch Light is one of the brightest flashlight apps for your mobile.
- flash Light app can instantly turn your mobile device into a torch toglow your room.
-It is very simple flashlight with simple interface.
-most elegant and functional flashlight app, ever.
-Read in the darkness.
-Brightest Flashlight instantly ON
- Faster and more reliable
Senter: LED Torch Light adalah salah satu aplikasi senter terang untuk ponsel Anda.
- Aplikasi Flash Cahaya langsung dapat mengubah perangkat mobile Anda menjadi obor toglow kamar Anda.
-Ini adalah senter sangat sederhana dengan antarmuka yang sederhana.
-Kebanyakan aplikasi senter elegan dan fungsional, pernah.
-Baca dalam kegelapan.
Senter -Brightest langsung ON
- Lebih cepat dan lebih dapat diandalkan
# It has very simple interface.
# most powerful flashlight