All high quality mobile apps are available for free download. 20,000+ users downloaded Fastrack N latest version on 9Apps for free every week! With unexpected, recently it has become very popular in India. This hot app was released on 2018-05-01. 9Apps believe you can enjoy yourself in this funny app.
Bring on the heat and stay on top with the all-new Reflex Notifier. Get this app and sync your phone to your Reflex N seamlessly for full functionality with features that include:
Activity tracker – Tracks distance, steps and calories burned
Sleep tracker – Counts hours of deep and light sleep
Notifier – For caller ID, SMS, event and e-mail notifications
Camera control – Let’s you click pics on your phone
…and more!
Strap it on, do your thing and let your Notifier show you whats up!
"For Fastrack Reflex Notifier to work seamlessly, we need location services & Bluetooth to be on. Additionally, the app permissions also need to be turned on through the below steps.
Settings > Apps / Applications > Reflex > Permissions"
Membawa pada panas dan tetap di atas dengan Reflex Notifier semua-baru. Dapatkan aplikasi ini dan sinkronisasi ponsel Anda untuk Anda Reflex N mulus untuk fungsionalitas penuh dengan fitur yang mencakup:
Kegiatan tracker - Trek jarak, langkah dan kalori yang terbakar
Sleep tracker - Hitungan jam tidur nyenyak dan cahaya
Notifier - Untuk caller ID, SMS, acara dan pemberitahuan e-mail
kontrol kamera - Mari Anda mengklik pics di ponsel Anda
... dan banyak lagi!
Tali itu, lakukan hal Anda dan biarkan acara Notifier Anda Anda Whats up!
"Untuk Fastrack Reflex Notifier untuk bekerja secara lancar, kita perlu layanan lokasi & Bluetooth untuk berada di. Selain itu, izin aplikasi juga perlu diaktifkan melalui langkah-langkah di bawah ini.
Pengaturan> Aplikasi / Aplikasi> Reflex> Permissions"
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