ikon Evergrace


5.1.1 for Android
4.6 | 5,000+ Instal

Evergrace & Co

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Penjabaran dari 9apps Evergrace

9Apps services for free Android apps. 30,000+ users downloaded Evergrace latest version on 9Apps for free every week! In my opinion, you will like this app after use it. This hot app was released on 2018-12-04. Why not download and play it now?
Bedtime audio stories designed for Christian kids. Have a listen to our prototype bedtime story 'Patience' with your toddler or preschooler. More stories are coming soon.
The idea of Evergrace is to offer Bible-based bedtime stories and meditations for Christian kids. We would love to hear your input via the feedback form.
Expect to hear news from us soon as we are busy producing more content and features :)
- From the Evergrace team.
Cerita audio sebelum tidur dirancang untuk anak-anak Kristen. Silahkan dengarkan cerita prototipe pengantar tidur kami 'Kesabaran' dengan balita atau anak prasekolah Anda. Lebih banyak cerita akan segera hadir.
Ide Evergrace adalah untuk menawarkan cerita sebelum tidur dan meditasi untuk anak-anak Kristen. Kami akan senang mendengar masukan Anda melalui formulir umpan balik.
Berharap untuk mendengar berita dari kami segera setelah kami sibuk memproduksi lebih banyak konten dan fitur :)
- Dari tim Evergrace.

Memperbarui Evergrace 5.1.1

Fixed a playback bug. Pretty boring update really. :)


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 6.0 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Evergrace & Co
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