It’s time to update your mobile application. 20,000+ users downloaded Electric Motor Frame Size latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app is intended for an adult audience. This hot app was released on 2018-06-09. Certainly you will love it after play.
The Electric Motor Frame Size is very useful for Electrical engineer and Electrical technicians who are working in machine design and maintenance field. Any motor size can be picked with in secs and compared with others for matching and modification of machine bed alterations.This is off line app. The frame sizes are as per IEC standard.
The Motor Listrik Ukuran Frame ini sangat berguna untuk insinyur listrik dan teknisi listrik yang bekerja dalam desain mesin dan bidang pemeliharaan. Setiap ukuran motor dapat diambil dengan di detik dan dibandingkan dengan orang lain untuk pencocokan dan modifikasi mesin tidur alterations.This adalah off aplikasi line. Ukuran bingkai yang sesuai standar IEC.
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