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DRLabs is an emerging Diagnostic Service provider on the horizon with a promise to ensure Quality, Reliability and Customer Care. DRLabs has ventured into the foray of complete Diagnostic Services by setting up a State of the Art Central Clinical Reference Lab at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh and plans togrow and acquire bigger dimensions with an aim to become a global network of highlyautomated and sophisticated diagnostic laboratories synonymous withcuttingedge technology, accuracy, efficiency, dedicated customer service and above all thestringent ethical practices.
DRLabs adalah muncul Penyedia layanan diagnostik di cakrawala dengan janji untuk memastikan kualitas, Keandalan dan Customer Care. DRLabs telah berkelana ke terjun Pelayanan Diagnostik lengkap dengan mendirikan Negara Lab Referensi Clinical Seni Central di Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh dan rencana togrow dan memperoleh dimensi lebih besar dengan tujuan untuk menjadi jaringan global highlyautomated dan canggih laboratorium diagnostik identik withcuttingedge teknologi, akurasi, efisiensi, berdedikasi layanan pelanggan dan di atas semua praktek etika thestringent.