Do you believe? 30,000+ users downloaded Dps Kolar latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The application is severely widely use. This hot app was released on 2019-09-03. Besides, you can also select other popular apps you like here!
DPS Kolar has partnered with Kin Infotech Solution Pvt. Ltd, the parent company of Skoolroom to launch an app to manage all needs of parents and teachers of school going children. A complete School Management ERP solution, the app would not only serve parents and teachers, but also students, librarians, doctors and management and ease their task of managing student’s performance and at the same time will help them focus on the student's security. The app does so by covering various modules including fees, attendance, library, calendar, events, assignments, suggestions and more.
DPS Kolar telah bermitra dengan Kin Infotech Solution Pvt. Ltd, perusahaan induk Skoolroom untuk meluncurkan aplikasi untuk mengelola semua kebutuhan orang tua dan guru anak-anak sekolah. Solusi ERP Manajemen Sekolah yang lengkap, aplikasi ini tidak hanya melayani orang tua dan guru, tetapi juga siswa, pustakawan, dokter, dan manajemen dan memudahkan tugas mereka mengelola kinerja siswa dan pada saat yang sama akan membantu mereka fokus pada keamanan siswa. Aplikasi melakukannya dengan mencakup berbagai modul termasuk biaya, kehadiran, perpustakaan, kalender, acara, tugas, saran dan banyak lagi.
* The app deals with features such as attendance, transport tracking, canteen management, gallery, news, poll, homework, anecdotal report, fees management and other various modules