It is a truth that 20,000+ users downloaded Diet Planer, lose weight in 30 days-drink water latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Once you've used it, you'll be attracted. This hot app was released on 2019-10-09. Download in official websites like 9apps and you'll never miss it!
Diet Planer app provide the 30 days diet plan to lose weight
The food lists out according to the daily basis and with calories and quantity
you can consume food according to plan and get the result in a month.
Aplikasi Diet Planer menyediakan rencana diet 30 hari untuk menurunkan berat badan
Daftar makanan sesuai dengan basis harian dan dengan kalori dan kuantitas
Anda bisa mengonsumsi makanan sesuai rencana dan mendapatkan hasilnya dalam sebulan.
New Application.