ikon DJ Marshmello Song + Lyrics

DJ Marshmello Song + Lyrics

1.2 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

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Penjabaran dari 9apps Marshmello

Discover apps for Android here, 20,000+ users downloaded Marshmello latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app has been greatly welcomed in India. This hot app was released on 2019-04-13. You can find more interesting apps at 9Apps!
DJ Marshmello Song + Lyrics
is a DJ and singer, who announced his first song on March 3, 2015 entitled "Wavez" as an original mix on a website, because he released many songs, which made him very famous now and in 2016 he released his debut album entitled joytime, which consists of 10 songs through his own label, this album has the top position in the electronic chart on the first day. on July 30 2016 reached number twelve. of the two single album joytime entitled "keep it mello" and "want u 2". This album reached number five on the billboard electronic chart and his career continues to be up to date. for you Marshmello lovers and fans, in this application we provide songs from Marshmello. hope you are entertained
Lagu + Lirik DJ Marshmello
 adalah seorang DJ dan penyanyi, yang mengumumkan lagu pertamanya pada 3 Maret 2015 berjudul "Wavez" sebagai campuran asli di situs web, karena ia merilis banyak lagu, yang membuatnya sangat terkenal sekarang dan pada 2016 ia merilis album debutnya yang berjudul joytime , yang terdiri dari 10 lagu melalui labelnya sendiri, album ini memiliki posisi teratas di tangga lagu elektronik pada hari pertama. pada 30 Juli 2016 mencapai nomor dua belas. dari dua album single joytime berjudul "keep it mello" dan "want u 2". Album ini mencapai nomor lima di papan reklame elektronik dan kariernya terus diperbarui. untuk Anda pecinta dan penggemar Marshmello, dalam aplikasi ini kami menyediakan lagu-lagu dari Marshmello. semoga kamu terhibur


  • Kategori:
    Musik & Audio
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0 or later
  • Diupdate:
    fajar setiawan
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