ikon Coronavirus Alert

Coronavirus Alert

1.3 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

Colloidle Developers

Penjabaran dari 9apps Corona Virus Alert

I would like to recommend you an application with large number of downloaders. 20,000+ users downloaded Corona Virus Alert latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It's not only an app it also teaches you how to use it. This hot app was released on 2020-02-05. Come and download it now!
Corona viruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections – including the common cold – which are typically mild.Rarer forms such as SARS, MERS and the novel corona virus causing the 2019–20 Wuhan corona virus outbreak can be lethal.
A new corona virus, designated 2019-nCoV, was identified in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, after people developed pneumonia without a clear cause, and for which existing treatments were not effective.The virus has shown evidence of human-to-human transmission, with the number of cases climbing into the thousands in mid-January 2020 and several countries across Europe, North America and especially the Asia-Pacific reporting cases.
This is an informative app which provides the saltest count of the infected people around the word categorized by Detected, Total Deaths and total recovered. This app has also provided the latest twitter feed and and link provided by the WHO. Created a native android application map which enables you to check the latest update on the world map.
Virus corona adalah sekelompok virus yang menyebabkan penyakit pada mamalia dan burung. Pada manusia, virus-virus tersebut menyebabkan infeksi pernafasan - termasuk flu biasa - yang biasanya ringan. Bentuk-bentuk yang lebih jarang seperti SARS, MERS dan virus corona baru yang menyebabkan berjangkitnya virus korona Wuhan 2019-20 bisa mematikan.
Virus korona baru, yang ditunjuk 2019-nCoV, diidentifikasi di Wuhan, ibukota provinsi Hubei China, setelah orang mengembangkan pneumonia tanpa sebab yang jelas, dan yang perawatannya tidak efektif. Virus ini telah menunjukkan bukti dari manusia untuk penularan manusia, dengan jumlah kasus mencapai ribuan pada pertengahan Januari 2020 dan beberapa negara di Eropa, Amerika Utara dan terutama kasus pelaporan Asia-Pasifik.
Ini adalah aplikasi informatif yang menyediakan hitungan paling asin dari orang yang terinfeksi di sekitar kata yang dikategorikan oleh Terdeteksi, Total Kematian dan total pulih. Aplikasi ini juga menyediakan feed dan tautan twitter terbaru yang disediakan oleh WHO. Membuat peta aplikasi android asli yang memungkinkan Anda memeriksa pembaruan terbaru di peta dunia.

Memperbarui Corona Virus Alert 1.3

This is an application which provides you up to date count of the Corona Virus impact Countries. This application provides a database in three categories, namely patient infected confirmation number, number of deaths country specific and patient recovered from the corona virus * subject to the final declaration from authorities.


  • Kategori:
    Kesehatan & Kebugaran
  • Versi Terbaru:
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Colloidle Developers
  • ID: