ikon Corona, CA.

Corona, CA.

4.5.8 for Android
3.6 | 100,000+ Instal | ULASAN

CityByApp® Inc.

Penjabaran dari 9apps Corona, CA.

CityByApp® helps you discover the best Corona, California has to offer.
CityByApp® puts the City of Corona, CA. in the palm of your hand.
How often have you wondered what events are going on this week?
We send live notifications to keep you informed.
Now, you can easily access a Community Calendar, Guide to Leisure Activities, Bike Lanes & Trails, Parks, City Maps, Contact City Officials and more.
Plus, there's a City-Wide Shop Local Program that helps provide jobs and funds for local veterans. Look for coupons at participating Restaurants and Businesses.
CityByApp® is your everyday guide for locating businesses, checking weather, searching for jobs, real estate, videos, music and podcasts.
So, get connected and be rewarded all around the City of Corona, CA.
-City Maps
-Community Calender
-Live Notifications
-Business Directory
-Driving Directions
-Real Estate
-Job Search
-Local Music
-FaceBook Fan Pages
-Twitter Profiles
-WIFI Hotspots
-Tip Calculator
-Find My Car
-City Government Directory
-Police/Fire Map
-Join e-Mail List
-Inbox Messages


Memperbarui Corona, CA. 4.5.8

We’re constantly updating CityByApp® to give you the best experience possible. Bug fixes and speed enhancements. Plus, there is a new shop local program featured in the app. Log in today and see what’s new with your favorite all-in-one Corona, CA. community app!


  • Kategori:
    Gaya Hidup
  • Versi Terbaru:
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    CityByApp® Inc.
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  • avatar
    Bingung cara pakainya
    2020-04-20 16:05
  • avatar
    2020-04-20 05:48
  • avatar
    2020-04-12 03:30
  • avatar
    Bagus buat kita yg ga punya alat mencari virus
    2020-04-05 03:59
  • avatar
    cara mencegah: 1. kita jangan panik anggap aja tidak ada masalah(penyakit corona),2. jaga kesehatan,kebersihan,agar daya tahan tubuh kita kuat selalu fit. 3.kita selalu ingat pada Allah S.W.T,sholat dan berdoa agar dihindarkan segala penyakit dan cobaan. Amiin...!!
    2020-03-29 14:03