ikon ChatDirect - Direct Chat to Whatsapp

ChatDirect - Direct Chat to Whatsapp

2.1 for Android
4.8 | 5,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Chat Direct

With the development of technology, more and more apps appeared in the mobile market. 20,000+ users downloaded Chat Direct latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It has been a popular app for a long time. This hot app was released on 2019-09-04. Even if you’re not a fan of this app, you’ll love it after reading this page.
WhatsApp allows you to only chat with the persons who are in your contact list.We can't Start a chat without saving a number. CHATDIRECT allows you to chat directly without saving any number to your contact list.
There is no need to save the the number to your contact list
Also Using this feature of Chat Direct you can Chat yourself in Whatsapp by Entering your number in this CHATDIRECT App.
Chat Direct also allow you to take no from your call log and open chat on whatsapp directly from chat direct
WhatsApp memungkinkan Anda untuk hanya mengobrol dengan orang-orang yang ada di daftar kontak Anda. Kami tidak dapat memulai obrolan tanpa menyimpan nomor. CHATDIRECT memungkinkan Anda untuk mengobrol langsung tanpa menyimpan nomor apa pun ke daftar kontak Anda.
Tidak perlu menyimpan nomor ke daftar kontak Anda
Juga Menggunakan fitur Obrolan Langsung ini Anda dapat Mengobrol sendiri di Whatsapp dengan Memasukkan nomor Anda di Aplikasi CHATDIRECT ini.
Obrolan Langsung juga memungkinkan Anda untuk mengambil tidak dari log panggilan Anda dan membuka obrolan di Whatsapp langsung dari obrolan langsung

Memperbarui Chat Direct 2.1

Bugs Fixed, Optimization done


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    Android 4.1 or later
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