It is a truth that 20,000+ users downloaded Celestial Sounds latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This will give an informative for the other crazy players. This hot app was released on 2020-05-26. You can enjoy the most completed function of this app.
This free app features high quality sounds from all eight planets as well as our sun. These sounds were specially designed to encompass the energy and feel of their respective celestial body.
Whether you want to fall asleep to the sifting rumble of Saturn or the fiery heat of the Sun, if you have an affinity for the heavens and a desire for peace, this app is made for you.
This app is entirely space themed with every planet card conveying the energy of the celestial body. Each card has a fitting quote to accompany the sound.
The main features of this app include:
✔️High quality sound files
✔️Smooth fade-in and fade-out
✔️Once-click play
✔️Automatically fade-out with timer
✔️Custom timer
✔️Sounds keep playing in the background
✔️Alternative light theme
Celestial Sounds contains 9 high quality sounds:
⭐The Sun (☉)
⭐Mercury (☿)
⭐Venus (♀)
⭐Earth (♁)
⭐Mars (♂)
⭐Jupiter (♃)
⭐Saturn (♄)
⭐Uranus (♅)
⭐Neptune (♆)
Aplikasi gratis ini memiliki fitur suara berkualitas tinggi dari delapan planet serta matahari kita. Suara-suara ini dirancang khusus untuk mencakup energi dan rasa tubuh surgawi masing-masing.
Apakah Anda ingin tertidur di tengah gemuruhnya Saturnus atau panasnya Matahari yang menyala-nyala, jika Anda memiliki ketertarikan pada surga dan hasrat akan perdamaian, aplikasi ini dibuat untuk Anda.
Aplikasi ini sepenuhnya bertema ruang dengan setiap kartu planet yang menyampaikan energi dari benda langit. Setiap kartu memiliki kutipan yang pas untuk mengiringi suara.
Fitur utama dari aplikasi ini meliputi:
✔️ file suara berkualitas tinggi
✔️Mulus memudar dan memudar
✔️Sekali klik bermain
✔️ Secara otomatis menghilang dengan timer
✔️Pengatur waktu kustom
✔️Sounds terus bermain di latar belakang
✔️ Tema cahaya alternatif
Suara Surgawi berisi 9 suara berkualitas tinggi:
Sun Matahari (☉)
ErcMercury (☿)
⭐Venus (♀)
⭐Earth (♁)
⭐Mars (♂)
⭐Jupiter (♃)
AtSaturn (♄)
⭐Uranus (♅)
⭐Neptune (♆)
- fixed preferences links
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