9Apps services for free Android apps. 20,000+ users downloaded Carin Studio latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app has been greatly welcomed in India. This hot app was released on 2019-08-01. Here are some guides of this app:
CARIN STUDIO offers a different kind of body, mind and soul training, such as Yoga, Ballet, Body Language, martial arts such as Merpati Putih, Taekwon Do ITF , and Aikido.
With experienced teachers, CARIN Studio presents you a way to seek the wisdom of your own mind, body and soul, finding the balance in your life, creating the new you.
CARIN STUDIO menawarkan berbagai jenis pelatihan tubuh, pikiran dan jiwa, seperti Yoga, Balet, Bahasa Tubuh, seni bela diri seperti Merpati Putih, Taekwon Do ITF, dan Aikido.
Dengan guru-guru yang berpengalaman, CARIN Studio memberi Anda cara untuk mencari kebijaksanaan pikiran, tubuh, dan jiwa Anda sendiri, menemukan keseimbangan dalam hidup Anda, menciptakan Anda yang baru.