ikon Captain Einstein

Captain Einstein

1.0 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

Captain Einstein

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Penjabaran dari 9apps Captain Einstein

I would like to recommend you an application with large number of downloaders. 20,000+ users downloaded Captain Einstein latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app was totally funny. This hot app was released on 2018-06-30. Certainly you will love it after play.
Experience the theory of relativity in Virtual Reality
The theory of relativity is a beautiful theory that is fundamental to our understanding of nature at many different length and energy scales. Yet it’s not like we see much of it in everyday life. Enter the world of Captain Maja Einstein! She takes you on a tourist boat trip in the city centre of Ghent, in a dreamworld with a slow speed of light. This brings relativity to a human scale, allowing for a direct experience of all its beautiful effects.
Be sure to check our website
if you want to learn about the amazing science behind the movie.
Captain Einstein is a production of Ghent University, in collaboration with LUCA school of arts, Fisheye cross-media productions and de portables
Mengalami teori relativitas di Virtual Reality
Que ?!
Teori relativitas adalah teori indah yang fundamental bagi pemahaman kita tentang alam di banyak berbeda panjang dan energi skala. Namun tidak seperti kita melihat banyak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Memasuki dunia Kapten Maja Einstein! Dia membawa Anda pada perjalanan perahu wisata di pusat kota Ghent, dalam mimpi dengan kecepatan lambat dari cahaya. Ini membawa relativitas untuk skala manusia, memungkinkan untuk pengalaman langsung dari semua efek yang indah.
Pastikan untuk memeriksa website kami
jika Anda ingin belajar tentang ilmu menakjubkan di balik film.
Kapten Einstein adalah produksi dari Ghent University, bekerja sama dengan sekolah LUCA seni, Fisheye produksi lintas media dan de portabel

Memperbarui Captain Einstein 1.0

First release


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    Android 4.4 or later
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    Captain Einstein
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