It is a truth that 20,000+ users downloaded Candy Wallpapers latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Once you've used it, you'll be attracted. This hot app was released on 2019-04-04. Just download it and use on your android phone!
Satisfy your sweet tooth with these delectable, sugary wallpapers!
If you love candy, you'll love the bright, colorful wallpapers in this app. Many types of candy are featured here, from gummy bears and gum drops to nerds and jelly beans. There are even festive seasonal favorites like Halloween candy corn and Christmas peppermint candy canes. And if we're talking about candy, how could we leave out the holy grail of confections: chocolate. Feast your eyes on the sugar-filled images of sweet, yummy treats of all sorts!
Not only does candy satisfy our taste buds, it also reminds us of happy moments from our childhood. Remember those little fruit candies from the quarter machine at the grocery store? How about the old fashioned hard candies from grandparents after dinner?
Get the enjoyment of pretty, colorful candy without the calories or guilt! You can even let your friends in on the sweetness by sharing your favorite backgrounds!
Memuaskan gigi manis Anda dengan lezat, wallpaper manis!
Jika Anda menyukai permen, Anda akan menyukai terang, wallpaper berwarna-warni dalam aplikasi ini. Banyak jenis permen yang ditampilkan di sini, dari beruang bergetah dan gusi turun menjadi kutu buku dan kacang jelly. Ada favorit musiman bahkan meriah seperti Halloween permen jagung dan Natal peppermint permen tongkat. Dan jika kita berbicara tentang permen, bagaimana kita bisa meninggalkan grail suci permen: coklat. Pesta mata Anda pada gambar gula-diisi manis, memperlakukan lezat dari segala macam!
Tidak hanya permen memenuhi selera kita, juga mengingatkan kita saat-saat bahagia dari masa kecil kita. Ingat permen buah kecil dari mesin kuartal di toko kelontong? Bagaimana tentang permen keras kuno dari kakek-nenek setelah makan malam?
Dapatkan kenikmatan cantik, warna-warni permen tanpa kalori atau bersalah! Anda bahkan dapat memberitahu teman-teman Anda di atas manisnya dengan berbagi latar belakang favorit Anda!
Updated launch notice.