ikon Selfie Camera for iphone 11 Pro - OS 13 Camera

Selfie Camera for iphone 11 Pro - OS 13 Camera

1.2 for Android
3.5 | 100,000+ Instal | ULASAN

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Penjabaran dari 9apps Selfie Camera for iphone 11 Pro - OS 13 Camera

Do you want to click impressive photo using "
"? Do you want to capture your precious moment in "
iphone Camera
Camera For IOS 13 - Hd iCamera
" is the Best Free Professional photo application. Not only features are rich, but Selfie for Phone XS Max Camera also has beautiful filters to help you for creating impressive and professional photos. With Camera For IOS 13 - Hd iCamera, you can click and capture your happiest moments.
If you are a fan of the iPhone and like the iCamera (apple Camera), you find a camera for your Android phone, you want your phone to be like an iCamera. Do you know the iCamera for your Android device? Do you use iCamera Camera For IOS 13 - Hd iCamera?

App Key Features

ᕲ Auto facial beauty
ᕲ various collection of filters for helping the image to more prominent
ᕲ Scene Mode
ᕲ Exposure Mode
ᕲ Professional camera mode Supported
ᕲ Camera's shutter sound can be muted
ᕲ Take photos like style iCamera OS 13, OS 12, OS 11
ᕲ Make HD videos and take beautiful photos with the rear camera
ᕲ Take a magic selfie with the front camera with style camera OS 13, OS 12, OS 11
ᕲ Offer HD quality for photo and video
ᕲ Offer on/off option for auto flash
ᕲ three modes: video, photo, and square
ᕲ Save HD photo and video in your Gallery
ᕲ Allows the camera to capture multiple images in a series
ᕲ Continuous shooting
In this app, 3 kinds of shooting modes are currently available: Camera, video, and square.
Camera For IOS 13 take eyecatching photos and save the moment at any time, any place. now Let you experience ịOS filters on your Android device too!
Record videos easily. You can also click photos while taking a video.
Camera For IOS 13 – phone XS Max provides a quick square photo-taking mode.
So, let’s delight in taking photos and selfies, or making videos with many unique filters. Install now and enjoy it!
When traveling or going out with family, friends can not lack meaningful, funny pictures? Are you missing a camera to create beautiful photos? With the Camera For IOS 13 application, you will have the ideal, colorful and creative photo to save memories and share photos with more people.
So, Download this app and capture your precious moments in iCamera by using "
Camera For IOS 13 - Hd iCamera
" app.
If you like this app then share the link with friends, family, and other loved ones so they can also capture thier precious moment in camera. and also, give ratings from 5 star
Thank you!!


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    Android 4.4 or later
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    Hiyat Developers
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  • avatar
    Ini kamera apaaan maaf aku tuh bukan bermaksud melecehkan aplikasi ini tapi kenyataannya gitu maaf aku beri bintang 1 karena masa aku liat fotonya ada tulisannya slowmo eh pas aku downlod aku lihat cuma vidio,foto,sama apaan gitu tapi gak ada slowmo nya aku kecewa banget Ngehabisin kouta banyak tau gak Dan ram nya juga Maaf ya aku bukan bermaksud melecehkan aplikasi ini
    2020-10-04 04:01
  • avatar
    Saya uninstal krna banyk akli iklan kewat,,nyesal...
    2020-10-03 10:50
  • avatar
    Kameranya agak burik😓😞😞
    2020-08-21 12:00
  • avatar
    Ini buat kalian semua jgn pernah percaya yg kyk gituan... Saat blom didownload nampakny bagus,pas didownload ntah kyk ap.
    2020-06-04 08:33
  • avatar
    Aplikasi ini ngak bgus baget sih Ngak sama dgn di gambar ini Ih ow gak banget buat pake
    2020-05-17 10:50
  • avatar
    Aplikasi ini gak jelas banget,waktu aku liat di play story ada gambar,terus ada tulisan slow_mo sama pang,waktu sudah ke download,aku buka camera nya gak ada tulisan slow_mo sama pang,tolong dong kalau ada di gambar tulisan slow_mo sama pang di aplikasi nya ada juga dong.🙅
    2020-04-26 07:25