ikon CIC - Student

CIC - Student

2.2 for Android
3.6 | 5,000+ Instal

Canadian International College

Penjabaran dari 9apps Canadian International Collage

It’s time to update your mobile application. 30,000+ users downloaded Canadian International Collage latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The world's most powerful app is here waiting for you. This hot app was released on 2019-05-30. Besides, you can also select other popular apps you like here!
Presenting to you the official mobile application for the students of Canadian International Collage.
The application is capable of providing the following services to the students:
- Students’ Personal Information
- Registered Courses for the current semester: This service shows a list of current registered courses, semester work marks, final courses in each course.
- Major sheet Service
- Exam results Service
- Schedules Service: This service offers the following list of important schedules:
• Semester Activities Schedule
• Exams Schedule
- CMS Service
- Advising Service
- Chatting Service
- Compliance Service
• Announcement Service: Shows the latest announcements published on CIC.
• Notifications Service: Shows the important notifications for the student.
The App offers a Feedback Service so the student can send any suggestions and notes to be taken into consideration for the upcoming releases.
Menghadirkan kepada Anda aplikasi mobile resmi untuk siswa Canadian International Collage.
Aplikasi ini mampu memberikan layanan berikut kepada siswa:
     - Informasi Pribadi Siswa
     - Program yang Terdaftar untuk semester saat ini: Layanan ini menunjukkan daftar kursus yang terdaftar saat ini, tanda kerja semester, kursus terakhir di setiap kursus.
     - Layanan lembar utama
     - Layanan Hasil Ujian
     - Jadwal Layanan: Layanan ini menawarkan daftar jadwal penting berikut:
          • Jadwal Kegiatan Semester
          • Jadwal Ujian
     - Layanan CMS
     - Layanan Advising
     - Layanan Obrolan
     - Layanan Kepatuhan
• Layanan Pengumuman: Menunjukkan pengumuman terbaru yang dipublikasikan di CIC.
• Layanan Pemberitahuan: Menunjukkan pemberitahuan penting bagi siswa.
Aplikasi ini menawarkan Layanan Umpan Balik sehingga siswa dapat mengirim saran dan catatan untuk dipertimbangkan untuk rilis mendatang.

Memperbarui Canadian International Collage 2.2

CIC - Student App


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  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 5.0 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Canadian International College
  • ID:
  • Available on: