ikon Blood pressure estimation

Blood pressure estimation

1.0 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal


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Welcome to our app recommend. 20,000+ users downloaded Health Jack 凱 latest version on 9Apps for free every week! When you click, the app will start downloading and wait till it completes installation you can start play. This hot app was released on 2019-03-11. Enjoy playing with new, amazing features!
Using mobile phone's camera, finger pulse intensity is captured.
Every heart beat creates a wave of blood and reach the capillaries in the tip of finger. In this way when capillaries are full of blood less light can pass through them.
Change in amount and color of light represent the changes in the shape and pulse ,that is, Heart rate and its timing.
This technique to know your heart rate can lead us to estimate your blood pressure.
Menggunakan kamera ponsel ini, intensitas pulsa jari ditangkap.
Setiap detak jantung menciptakan gelombang darah dan mencapai kapiler di ujung jari. Dengan cara ini ketika kapiler penuh dengan darah kurang cahaya dapat melewati mereka.
Perubahan jumlah dan warna terang mewakili perubahan bentuk dan pulsa, yaitu, Denyut jantung dan waktu nya.
Teknik ini untuk mengetahui detak jantung Anda dapat membawa kita untuk memperkirakan tekanan darah Anda.

Memperbarui Health Jack 凱 1.0

First version (12/8/2017)
- measure blood pressure
- measure heart rate


  • Kategori:
    Kesehatan & Kebugaran
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.4 or later
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