Here are some news for you to learn more about one of the best android apps. 30,000+ users downloaded BBanny latest version on 9Apps for free every week! A lot of functions and features are contained in this app. This hot app was released on 2019-12-29. 9Apps allows you to download more apps and updated daily!
BBanny is the most popular voice chat and entertainment community. Voice chat and play games with people nearby or around the world.
Getting to know new people has never been easier:
Choose a group language room from thousands of living rooms every day.
Meet with friends who have no distance:
Chat with friends, no matter where they are, they can play their favorite music in the room, sing karaoke together, and play various games directly in group chat. Let's start the party.
It's completely free—free real-time voice chat via 3G, 4G, LTE or Wi-Fi.
Public chat room - browse thousands of live chat rooms from around the world
Private conversations - Start one-on-one private text and voice conversations with friends around the world.
Chat games - play games directly in your chat group!
Virtual Gifts - Send amazing animations to express your love.
BBanny adalah komunitas obrolan suara dan hiburan paling populer. Obrolan suara dan mainkan game dengan orang-orang terdekat atau di seluruh dunia.
Mengenal orang baru tidak pernah semudah ini:
Pilih ruang bahasa grup dari ribuan ruang tamu setiap hari.
Bertemu dengan teman-teman yang tidak memiliki jarak:
Mengobrol dengan teman, di mana pun mereka berada, mereka dapat memainkan musik favorit mereka di ruangan, bernyanyi bersama, dan memainkan berbagai permainan langsung dalam obrolan berkelompok. Mari kita mulai pestanya.
Ini benar-benar gratis — obrolan suara real-time gratis melalui 3G, 4G, LTE atau Wi-Fi.
Ruang obrolan publik - meramban ribuan ruang obrolan langsung dari seluruh dunia
Percakapan pribadi - Mulai percakapan teks dan suara pribadi satu lawan satu dengan teman-teman di seluruh dunia.
Game obrolan - mainkan game langsung di grup obrolan Anda!
Hadiah Virtual - Kirim animasi luar biasa untuk mengekspresikan cinta Anda.
1. Increase minimized room
2. Add wealth rank tags
3. Optimize the interface style
4. Fix known bugs