ikon Auto Wifi Signal Booster Hotspot App

Auto Wifi Signal Booster Hotspot App

1.36 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Auto Wifi Signal Booster Hotspot App

Have you ever read one of those reviews about a app? 20,000+ users downloaded Auto Wifi Signal Booster Hotspot App latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app has been greatly welcomed in India. This hot app was released on 2018-11-16. Why not download and have a try?
This application helps to save battery power while the wifi is open.
The WiFi module is one that causes fast battery drain.
The machine makes use of battery power in accordance with stay connected on WiFi also now the veil is off.
This app is good appropriate according to mechanically turn of WiFi so the veil is unlocked
and flip far away WiFi then the honor is locked.
Some over the best features:
- Touch the app in conformity with turn WiFi over / off!
- Touch Widget in conformity with flip WiFi over / off! (No need according to swap apps)
- The app turns WiFi concerning then the modesty is unlocked and turns far away WiFi when the modesty is locked (you do put in the latency of the activity, among case ye accidentally turn far away the screen temporarily).
- Convenient, handy to usage then consumer interface navigation
- Ability in accordance with set the utility in conformity with pilot mechanically then thou expand the power
- Developing an lively app (email me agreement ye have any questions, suggestions, comments)
Aplikasi ini membantu menghemat daya baterai saat wifi terbuka.
Modul WiFi adalah salah satu yang menyebabkan baterai cepat habis.
Mesin memanfaatkan daya baterai sesuai dengan tetap terhubung di WiFi juga sekarang cadar dimatikan.
Aplikasi ini bagus sesuai dengan pergantian WiFi secara mekanis sehingga cadar dibuka
dan flip jauh WiFi maka kehormatannya terkunci.
Beberapa fitur terbaik:
- Sentuh aplikasi sesuai dengan giliran WiFi over / off!
- Sentuh Widget sesuai dengan flip WiFi over / off! (Tidak perlu sesuai dengan aplikasi swap)
- Aplikasi ini mengaktifkan WiFi, lalu kesopanan dibuka dan bergantian Wi-Fi jauh ketika kesopanan terkunci (Anda benar-benar berada dalam latensi aktivitas, di antara kasus Anda secara tidak sengaja mengubah jauh layar sementara).
- Nyaman, berguna untuk penggunaan maka navigasi antarmuka konsumen
- Kemampuan sesuai dengan mengatur utilitas sesuai dengan pilot secara mekanis maka Anda memperluas daya
- Mengembangkan aplikasi yang hidup (email saya perjanjian Anda memiliki pertanyaan, saran, komentar)


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
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