ikon Anjali Jewellers

Anjali Jewellers

6.0.1 for Android
3.0 | 100,000+ Instal

TCG Software Services Pvt Ltd

Penjabaran dari 9apps Anjali Jewellers

One of the most eminent jewellers in Kolkata and India is Anjali Jewellers. Since inception, Anjali has marked its name among the leaders, who dictate their own terms. Anjali has targeted the middle-class Indian, who is conscious about taste, style and heritage. The success story of Anjali elaborates the vision and execution capabilities of the company as a differentiator in this trade especially as Indian Jewellers. Anjali Jewellers is creating ripples in Indian Jewellery market. Not only business, but also it is art, passion, part of Indian Culture and rituals. Anjali Jewellers is becoming synonymous with Indian tradition along with fashion awareness in trendy Modern India.
The Mobile App of Anjali Jewellers is another milestone as a leader. It is undoubtedly a pioneer step to sale ornaments over future trading via mobile. It proves once again that Anjali Jewellers is always taking the first step in Indian Jewellery industry, like its exclusive out-of-box jewellery creations and collections. Anjali Jewellers is proudly representing Indian tradition, culture, art, craftsmanship abroad in its own way.
With almost similar features as in website, Anjali jewellers Mobile App helps to buy products, gift vouchers with ease in a secured way conveniently.
Salah satu perhiasan yang paling terkemuka di Kolkata dan India adalah Anjali Jewellers. Sejak awal, Anjali telah menandai namanya di antara para pemimpin, yang mendikte istilah mereka sendiri. Anjali menargetkan kelas menengah India, yang sadar tentang rasa, gaya dan warisan. Kisah sukses Anjali menguraikan visi dan eksekusi kemampuan perusahaan sebagai pembeda dalam perdagangan ini terutama karena India Jewellers. Anjali Jewellers adalah menciptakan riak di pasar Perhiasan India. Tidak hanya bisnis, tetapi juga seni, gairah, bagian dari India Kebudayaan dan ritual. Anjali Jewellers menjadi identik dengan tradisi India bersama dengan kesadaran fashion trendi modern India.
Mobile App of Anjali Jewellers adalah tonggak sejarah lain sebagai pemimpin. Tidak diragukan lagi langkah perintis untuk penjualan ornamen atas perdagangan masa depan via perangkat selular. Ini membuktikan sekali lagi bahwa Anjali Jewellers selalu mengambil langkah pertama dalam industri perhiasan India, seperti out-of-box kreasi perhiasan eksklusif dan koleksi. Anjali Jewellers adalah bangga mewakili India tradisi, budaya, seni, keahlian luar negeri dengan caranya sendiri.
Dengan fitur-fitur yang hampir sama seperti di website, Anjali perhiasan Aplikasi Ponsel membantu untuk membeli produk, voucher hadiah dengan mudah dengan cara aman nyaman.

Memperbarui Anjali Jewellers 6.0.1

- Approx weight of each product is now shown
- User-centric features like Sign-up, Login, Profile, Order History, Notification etc
- Discount Coupons on customer Birthday, Anniversary, Festivals
- The customer can use GIFTY Vouchers for online purchases
- Buy Astrological Stones online
- Notification through multiple channels like Push message, SMS, and Email on various events.
- GST compliance
- Requires Android 5.1 and up
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 5.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    TCG Software Services Pvt Ltd
  • ID: