ikon Alarm


1.2.3 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Alarm

Do you believe? 20,000+ users downloaded Alarm latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Many latest version apps provided on 9Apps too. This hot app was released on 2018-04-30. Besides, you can also select other popular apps you like here!
Wake up to this great alarm clock and use a stylish clock to be always on time.
Wake up refreshed every morning thanks to sleep cycle analysis.
Our smart arlam clock includes features that prevent excessive snoozing and get you out of bed. It also comes with built-in timer, stopwatch and brand new sleep tracker.
alarmas despertador turns your Android device into an alarm clock that plays your favorite tunes, a bedside clock with gorgeous themes, and a reliable daily helper perfect for every timing situation.
Main features:
This app include:
✔ larm clock & alarmclock extreme with higher quality.
✔ alarm clock extreme – choose your favorite cloak app music
✔ Auto-dismiss clock apps for my phone
✔ Built-in Timer for haben guten tag morgen
✔ Sleep Timer: fall a sleep to your favorite songs or sounds from our collection
✔ xtream alarm : Our simple and reliable Stopwatch can help solve all your timing needs. Use it to keep track of split/lap times and total times down to 1/100 of a second. Use this feature for games, sporting events, work, science experiments, etc.
✔ Support multiple alarma clock : digital clocks & Analog clocks
✔ Show your favorite alarm clock apps free while using music on your lock screen
✔ Set a maximum number of snoozes that already integrated to our alarmclock xtreme
✔ Auto-snooze multi alarm clocks with timers
✔ Use the customizable clock widgets on your Home screen.
Install the alarm clock for free & Use Sveglia gratuita! with your friends.
Also, share your feedback on Google Play Store if you like the Alarm Clock App.
If you want to comment, give us your feedback or suggestions about our Alarm Clock Application, feel free to drop a mail to: superfeedbackforyou@gmail.com
Bangun untuk jam alarm yang besar ini dan menggunakan jam stylish untuk selalu tepat waktu.
Bangun segar setiap pagi berkat analisis siklus tidur.
Jam arlam pintar kami mencakup fitur-fitur yang mencegah tertidur berlebihan dan membuat Anda keluar dari tempat tidur. Hal ini juga dilengkapi dengan built-in timer, stopwatch dan merek tracker tidur baru.
alarmas despertador mengubah perangkat Android Anda menjadi sebuah jam alarm yang memainkan lagu favorit Anda, jam samping tempat tidur dengan tema cantik, dan pembantu harian handal sempurna untuk setiap situasi waktu.
Fitur utama:
Aplikasi ini meliputi:
✔ larm Jam & alarmclock ekstrim dengan kualitas yang lebih tinggi.
✔ jam alarm yang ekstrim - memilih favorit jubah aplikasi musik Anda
✔ Auto-memberhentikan aplikasi jam untuk telepon saya
✔ Built-in Timer untuk haben guten tag morgen
✔ Sleep Timer: jatuh tidur lagu favorit Anda atau suara dari koleksi kami
✔ Xtream alarm: Stopwatch sederhana dan dapat diandalkan kami dapat membantu memecahkan semua kebutuhan waktu Anda. Menggunakannya untuk melacak kali split / lap dan jumlah kali ke 1/100 detik. Gunakan fitur ini untuk game, acara olahraga, pekerjaan, percobaan sains, dll
✔ Dukungan beberapa jam Alarm: digital jam & jam Analog
✔ Tampilkan jam alarm favorit Anda aplikasi gratis sementara menggunakan musik di layar kunci
✔ Mengatur jumlah maksimum Tunda yang sudah terintegrasi ke xtreme alarmclock kami
✔ Auto-tunda multi-jam alarm dengan timer
✔ Gunakan widget jam disesuaikan di layar Beranda Anda.
Instal jam alarm gratis & Gunakan Sveglia gratuita! dengan teman-temanmu.
Juga, berbagi umpan balik Anda di Google Play Store jika Anda suka Alarm Clock App.
Jika Anda ingin berkomentar, memberi tanggapan atau saran tentang Jam Aplikasi Alarm kami, jangan ragu untuk menjatuhkan mail ke: superfeedbackforyou@gmail.com


Memperbarui Alarm 1.2.3

Our smart arlam clock includes features that prevent excessive snoozing and get you out of bed. It also comes with built-in timer, stopwatch and brand new sleep tracker.


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    Android 4.1 or later
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