Hot applications make large number of downloads. 20,000+ users downloaded AfricanSkirtStyleTrends2018 latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Therefore, people are willing to accept this latest version. This hot app was released on 2018-03-27. Don’t be hesitate, download and install it on your mobile phone now!
What does 2018 have in for African fashion? This is a question you might ask yourself if you are a fashion enthusiast. The future definitely looks bright. If you are a lover of African modern fashion, you can put a smile on your face because things look bright
Up until a few years ago, Africans did not know that they were sitting on a gold mine. Ankara (famous in the Nigerian fashion scenes) were mostly worn at traditional African ceremonies. The bold colors and amazing patterns were not as valued as western outfits. Women had given up their kitenge skirts and Ankara dresses for jeans and chiffon. African fabrics were associated with village women and they only made shawls and simple dresses to be worn to church or other major events.
Application Feature:
- small size
- Offline
- Quick Performance
- HD Image Quality
Apa 2018 miliki dalam untuk fashion Afrika? Ini adalah pertanyaan Anda mungkin bertanya pada diri sendiri jika Anda adalah penggemar fashion. Masa depan pasti terlihat cerah. Jika Anda seorang pecinta fashion modern Afrika, Anda dapat menempatkan senyum di wajah Anda karena hal terlihat cerah
Sampai beberapa tahun yang lalu, Afrika tidak tahu bahwa mereka sedang duduk di sebuah tambang emas. Ankara (terkenal di adegan mode Nigeria) kebanyakan dipakai pada upacara tradisional Afrika. Warna-warna berani dan pola menakjubkan yang tidak dihargai sebagai pakaian Barat. Perempuan telah menyerah rok kitenge mereka dan gaun Ankara untuk jeans dan sifon. kain Afrika dikaitkan dengan perempuan desa dan mereka hanya membuat syal dan gaun sederhana untuk dikenakan ke gereja atau acara besar lainnya.
Aplikasi Fitur:
- ukuran kecil
- Offline
- Kinerja Cepat
- Kualitas HD Gambar