Here provides top Free Android Apps. 20,000+ users downloaded ADCalendar latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This will give an informative for the other crazy players. This hot app was released on 2020-05-21. You can free download it from 9Apps.
Don’t miss out on all the exciting events around you! Sort your plans now with the new Abu Dhabi Calendar app.
Our seamless and user-friendly app will let you in on the most exciting events happening in the city based on your location, fully personalised, and specific to your interests.
You’re one tap away from:
- Searching and filtering events based on locations, timings, and categories.
- Finding events specific to your interest, and filtering out the ones you’re not interested in.
- Adding events to your very own personal events calendar so you never miss them!
- Sharing events with friends
- Bookmarking your favourite events and browsing through your favourites list whenever you feel like it!
- Access to all the event details and information you need at your fingertips - from locations and timings, to special offers and many more!
- Ticket bookings for ticketed events and event registrations for free to attend events
More updates, more new features for you to explore and enjoy...
- Popular events: want to make sure you never miss anything trending in the emirate? Check out the new section highlighting the most popular events #InAbuDhabi
- Countdown: we’ve added a countdown to every event so now you know exactly how much time you have left to get ready for the next big event
- User interface improvements, bug fixes and performance enhancements
Your feedback is important to us. Let us know your comments on
Get started and sort your plans, but there’s more coming soon - so stay stuned!
Jangan lewatkan semua acara menarik di sekitar Anda! Urutkan paket Anda sekarang dengan aplikasi Kalender Abu Dhabi yang baru.
Aplikasi kami yang mulus dan ramah pengguna akan memberi Anda peristiwa-peristiwa paling menarik yang terjadi di kota berdasarkan lokasi Anda, yang sepenuhnya dipersonalisasi, dan spesifik untuk minat Anda.
Anda hanya satu ketukan dari:
- Mencari dan memfilter acara berdasarkan lokasi, timing, dan kategori.
- Menemukan acara khusus untuk minat Anda, dan menyaring yang tidak Anda minati.
- Menambahkan acara ke kalender acara pribadi Anda sehingga Anda tidak akan melewatkannya!
- Berbagi acara dengan teman
- Menandai acara favorit Anda dan menjelajahi daftar favorit kapan pun Anda mau!
- Akses ke semua detail acara dan informasi yang Anda butuhkan di ujung jari Anda - dari lokasi dan timing, hingga penawaran khusus dan banyak lagi!
- Pemesanan tiket untuk acara tiket dan pendaftaran acara gratis untuk menghadiri acara
Lebih banyak pembaruan, lebih banyak fitur baru untuk Anda jelajahi dan nikmati ...
- Acara populer: ingin memastikan Anda tidak pernah melewatkan sesuatu yang sedang tren di emirat? Lihatlah bagian baru yang menyoroti acara paling populer #InAbuDhabi
- Hitung mundur: kami telah menambahkan hitung mundur untuk setiap acara sehingga sekarang Anda tahu persis berapa banyak waktu yang tersisa untuk bersiap-siap untuk acara besar berikutnya
- Peningkatan antarmuka pengguna, perbaikan bug, dan peningkatan kinerja
Umpan balik Anda penting bagi kami. Beri tahu kami komentar Anda pada
Mulailah dan urutkan rencana Anda, tetapi akan ada lebih banyak segera - jadi tetaplah terpana!
We all know we have one of the most eventful calendars around and we never stop working behind the scenes to find new ways of making Abu Dhabi Calendar even more engaging and interactive! We've got a super cool update for you this time...
- Competitions: Are you Superfan enough? Take part in our brand new in-app competitions, show us how much you know about your favourite events and you could win BIG prizes!
- User interface improvements, bug fixes and performance enhancements