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Abbreviations ( Technology, Medical ) Offline

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Abbreviations some time called acronyms are very interesting to learn. Abbreviations actually have to be seen in print. There is no proper method to pronounce as such. You just have to memorize them. It's not a big deal if you grow up with them, but I can see how it could be troublesome for a non native English speaker.
So first of all, what is an abbreviation? Well, here's a clue in the word. You have the word "brev". "Brev" -- in other words, "brevity", it means to be short the word. So abbreviations are words or sentences that we have made short, usually to save time. So for example, DP, JPEG, ASAP, RSVP, OK, RIP, BYOB, NAT, BBQ, ETA, CAN, SIM. You see the pattern? We have capital letters, and they all stand for something that's longer. So it's a short form of a word or a sentence. So let's look at ten common abbreviations.
Some Computer Abbreviations:
Acronyms (common):
USB: Universal Serial Bus
UMTS: Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
WAN: Wireless Local Area Network
OTG: On-The-Go
ASP: Active Server Page
ASP: Application Service Provider
ATA: Advanced Technology Attachment
ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BASIC: Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCC: Blind Carbon Copy
BIOS: Basic Input/Output System
BLOB: Binary Large Object
BMP: Bitmap
CAD: Computer-Aided Design
CC: Carbon Copy
CCD: Charged Coupled Device
CD: Compact Disc
internet abbreviation
CD-R: Compact Disc Recordable
IR Infrared
IrDA Infrared Data Association (Ir port standard)
IRQ Interrupt Request (PC hardware signal)
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network (digital phone line)
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology
I-WAY Information Highway
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (form of DSL)
AFAIK (as far as I know; email)
AGP Advanced Graphics Port
AIM AOL Instant Messenger
ALT. ALTernate lifestyle (USENET newsgroup category)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOL America Online
CDPD: Cellular Digital Packet Data (wireless protocol)
CMYK Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (color model)
COAX Coaxial Cable (for Ethernet and similar networks)
COM1 First serial Port (asynchronous port)
COM2 Second serial Port
Some Medical Abbreviations:
Ac: before meals
ad lib: at will, as desired
adm: admission, admitted
ASAP: as soon as possible
Bid: twice a day
Bm: bowel movement
BP: blood pressure
BRP: bathroom privileges
C: Centigrade, Celsius
Cap: capsule
C02: carbon dioxide
CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CXR: chest x-ray
d/c: discontinue or discharge
ECG or EKG: electrocardiogram
EBL: estimated blood loss
ER: emergency room
F: Fahrenheit
Fb: foreign body
fx: fracture
gtt: drop-liquid measurement
H & P: history and physical
HR: heart rate
hr: hour
hs: hour of sleep (bedtime)
H20: water
I & O: intake and output
IDDM: insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IV: intravenous
IM: intramuscular
Mg: milligram
OS: left eye
OU: both eyes
post-op: postoperative (after surgery)
pre-op: preoperative (before surgery)
po: by mouth
qh: every hour
qid: four times a day
qod: every other day
Rx: prescription, treatment
sc/sq: subcutaneous
s: without
sx: symptoms
s/s: signs and symptoms
stat: immediately
SOB: short of breath
tab: tablet
TPR: temperature, pulse, respiration
vs: vital signs
HCV - hepatitis C virus
HDL - high density lipoprotein
HDV - hepatitis D virus
HIV - human immunodeficiency virus
HPA - hypothalamic suppression test
HR - heart rate
ICP - intracranial pressure
IDDM - insulin dependent diabeter mellitus
IPF - idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
IUI - intrauterine insemination
IUP - intrauterine pregnancy
IVF - in vitro fertilization
JRA - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
JVD - jugular venous distension
KS - Kaposi sarcoma
LAD - leukocyte adhesion deficiency
LBP - lower back pain
LBW - low birth weight
LIH - left inguinal hernia
Offline medical dictionary
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Singkatan beberapa waktu disebut akronim yang sangat menarik untuk belajar. Singkatan benar-benar harus dilihat dalam cetak. Tidak ada metode yang tepat untuk mengucapkan seperti itu. Anda hanya perlu menghafal mereka. Ini bukan masalah besar jika Anda tumbuh dengan mereka, tapi aku bisa melihat bagaimana itu bisa menyusahkan bagi pembicara bahasa Inggris non pribumi.
Jadi pertama-tama, apa yang merupakan singkatan? Nah, inilah petunjuk dalam kata. Anda memiliki kata "brev". "Brev" - dengan kata lain, "singkatnya", artinya menjadi pendek kata. Jadi singkatan adalah kata-kata atau kalimat yang telah kita buat singkat, biasanya untuk menghemat waktu. Jadi misalnya, DP, JPEG, secepatnya, RSVP, OK, RIP, BYOB, NAT, BBQ, ETA, BISA, SIM. Anda melihat pola? Kami memiliki huruf kapital, dan mereka semua berdiri untuk sesuatu yang lebih lama. Jadi itu adalah bentuk pendek dari sebuah kata atau kalimat. Jadi mari kita lihat sepuluh singkatan umum.
Beberapa Singkatan Komputer:
Akronim (umum):
USB: Universal Serial Bus
UMTS: Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
WAN: Wireless Local Area Network
OTG: On-The-Go
ASP: Active Server Page
ASP: Jasa Penyedia Aplikasi
ATA: Advanced Technology Attachment
ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode
DASAR: Beginner All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCC: Blind Carbon Copy
BIOS: Basic Input / Output System
BLOB: Biner objek besar
BMP: Bitmap
CAD: Computer-Aided Design
CC: Carbon Copy
CCD: Dibebankan Coupled Device
CD: Compact Disc
singkatan internet
CD-R: Compact Disc Recordable
IR Infrared
Data Gabungan Infrared IrDA (Ir standar port)
IRQ Interrupt (sinyal PC hardware) Permintaan
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
ISDN Jaringan Digital Pelayanan Terpadu (saluran telepon digital)
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Teknologi Informasi
I-WAY Raya Informasi
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (bentuk DSL)
AFAIK (sejauh yang saya tahu, email)
AGP Lanjutan Graphics Port
AIM AOL Instant Messenger
ALT. gaya hidup alternatif (kategori newsgroup USENET)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOL America Online
CDPD: Seluler Digital Packet Data (protokol nirkabel)
CMYK Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (model warna)
COAX Coaxial Cable (untuk Ethernet dan jaringan yang sama)
COM1 Pertama Pelabuhan seri (port asynchronous)
COM2 Kedua Pelabuhan seri
Beberapa Singkatan Medis:
Ac: sebelum makan
lib iklan: di akan, seperti yang diinginkan
adm: masuk, mengaku
Secepatnya: sesegera mungkin
Tawaran: dua kali sehari
Bm: buang air besar
BP: tekanan darah
hak istimewa kamar mandi: BRP
C: Celsius, Celcius
Cap: kapsul
C02: karbon dioksida
CPR: resusitasi cardiopulmonary
CXR: dada x-ray
d / c: menghentikan atau debit
ECG atau EKG: elektrokardiogram
EBL: diperkirakan kehilangan darah
ER: ruang gawat darurat
F: Fahrenheit
Fb: benda asing
fx: fraktur
tetes: pengukuran drop-cair
H & P: sejarah dan fisik
HR: denyut jantung
hr: jam
hs: jam tidur (tidur)
H20: air
I & O: intake dan output
IDDM: insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IV: intravena
IM: intramuskular
Mg: miligram
OS: mata kiri
OU: kedua mata
post-op: pasca operasi (setelah operasi)
pre-op: pra operasi (sebelum operasi)
po: melalui mulut
qh: setiap jam
qid: empat kali sehari
qod: setiap hari
Rx: resep, pengobatan
sc / sq: subkutan
s: tanpa
sx: Gejala
s / s: tanda dan gejala
stat: segera
SOB: sesak napas
tab: tablet
TPR: suhu, nadi, respirasi
vs: tanda-tanda vital
HCV - virus hepatitis C
HDL - high density lipoprotein
virus hepatitis D - HDV
HIV - human immunodeficiency virus
HPA - tes penekanan hipotalamus
HR - denyut jantung
ICP - tekanan intrakranial
IDDM - insulin dependent diabeter mellitus
IPF - fibrosis paru idiopatik
IUI - inseminasi intrauterine
IUP - kehamilan intrauterin
IVF - fertilisasi in vitro
JRA - rheumatoid arthritis
JVD - distensi vena jugularis
KS - sarkoma Kaposi
LAD - defisiensi adhesi leukosit
LBP - nyeri punggung bawah
BBLR - berat badan lahir rendah
LIH - meninggalkan hernia inguinalis
Offline kamus medis
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Memperbarui Interesting Abbreviations 1.0

Some more interesting abbreviations added. Some errors fixed!


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