Here are some news for you to learn more about one of the best android apps. 30,000+ users downloaded HEALTHSHIELD latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It is the app that defined the best for a generation. This hot app was released on 2018-11-04. It is one of the popular Android apps in 2015.
Health Shield empowers patients and providers through a collaborative approach to healthcare. Our products unite the disconnected worlds of digital personal health and traditional medical records–regardless of source– to create a comprehensive patient health profile. This innovative methodology helps healthcare providers , Schools & Colleges, Corporates, nonprofits and governments around the world meet a wide range of patient engagement needs.
Health Shield supports clients in the area of outcomes improvement, chronic disease management, population health management, patient activation, remote patient monitoring, Meaningful Use, and customer intelligence. HealthShield is a venture of Amclin Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd backed by a team of experience in delivering value to businesses healthcare technology solutions, online healthcare marketing services and business operations support.
Health Shield memberdayakan pasien dan penyedia melalui pendekatan kolaboratif untuk perawatan kesehatan. Produk kami menyatukan dunia yang terputus dari kesehatan pribadi digital dan catatan medis tradisional - terlepas dari sumbernya - untuk membuat profil kesehatan pasien yang komprehensif. Metodologi inovatif ini membantu penyedia layanan kesehatan, Sekolah & Kolese, Korporat, organisasi nirlaba, dan pemerintah di seluruh dunia memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan keterlibatan pasien.
Health Shield mendukung klien di bidang peningkatan hasil, manajemen penyakit kronis, manajemen kesehatan penduduk, aktivasi pasien, pemantauan pasien jarak jauh, Penggunaan Bermakna, dan intelijen pelanggan. HealthShield adalah usaha dari Amclin Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd didukung oleh tim yang berpengalaman dalam memberikan nilai untuk solusi teknologi perawatan kesehatan, layanan pemasaran kesehatan online, dan dukungan operasi bisnis.
It's our first release.