Are you looking for some free apps? 20,000+ users downloaded 500500 Hospital latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app has been greatly welcomed in India. This hot app was released on 2018-06-10. Read the following paragraph to see more information.
500 500 Hospital’s story is one of hard work, hope and a better tomorrow free of cancer. 500 500 Hospital is a testament to the success of the National Cancer Institute, which is the oldest and largest oncology research and treatment institution in Egypt, Africa and the Middle East. Moreover, it will be the largest cancer hospital in the world.
Cerita 500 500 Rumah Sakit adalah salah satu dari kerja keras, harapan dan esok yang lebih baik bebas dari kanker. 500 500 Rumah Sakit merupakan bukti keberhasilan National Cancer Institute, yang merupakan tertua dan terbesar penelitian onkologi dan pengobatan lembaga di Mesir, Afrika dan Timur Tengah. Selain itu, akan menjadi rumah sakit kanker terbesar di dunia.
In This release, you will be able to see news regarding 500500 and review its progress