Thousands of top best android apps on 9Apps! 20,000+ users downloaded 30 Days Abs Workout Challenge latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It has been a popular app for a long time. This hot app was released on 2018-04-20. It is a very popular app on India now.
Start the 30 Day abs workout challenge to burn fat and get abs.
The app contains ten common abs exercises everyone can do.
Doing the workout will make you feel stronger, healthier, improve energy and control weight.
Perform 10 exercises everyday to get 6 pack abs. Exercise benefits every part of the body.
You don't need any equipment for the workout. Complete daily ab workout with log.
There are three difficulty levels you can choose from.
- Free and Simple
- 10 Abs exercises
- Workout Log
- Workout Difficulty levels
- Set Reminder
- Animations
- 30 Days Challenge
Mulai 30 Hari abs latihan tantangan untuk membakar lemak dan mendapatkan abs.
Aplikasi ini berisi sepuluh abs umum latihan semua orang bisa melakukannya.
Melakukan latihan akan membuat Anda merasa lebih kuat, lebih sehat, meningkatkan energi dan mengontrol berat badan.
Lakukan 10 latihan sehari-hari untuk mendapatkan 6 pack abs. Latihan manfaat setiap bagian dari tubuh.
Anda tidak perlu peralatan apapun untuk latihan. Menyelesaikan setiap hari latihan ab dengan log.
Ada tiga tingkat kesulitan Anda dapat memilih dari.
- Gratis dan Sederhana
- 10 latihan Abs
- Workout Log
- Tingkat Workout Kesulitan
- Set Pengingat
- Animasi
- 30 Hari Tantangan