Enjoy the most popular apps here! 30,000+ users downloaded 2000AD Comic Reader latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Many latest version apps provided on 9Apps too. This hot app was released on 2018-07-21. Read the following paragraph to see more information.
The legendary 2000 AD, the Judge Dredd Megazine and dozens of digital graphic novels are now available on your Android tablet – plus incredible FREE comics to read now!
Install now to read the free DREDD movie tie-in comic, plus two massive FREE sampler issues of top 2000 AD stories featuring future lawman Judge Dredd, undead cowboy Ichabod Azrael, ‘gentleman zombie’ Zombo, the action-packed dog soldiers of Kingdom, the Steampunk crime tale Stickleback, and post-apocalyptic werewolf series Age of the Wolf!
The app also gives you access to digital graphic novels collecting stories from the past 37 years, including the complete best selling Judge Dredd Case Files series, the newest Judge Dredd books, and more classic 2000 AD titles such as Rogue Trooper, Sláine, the ABC Warriors, Nikolai Dante, and Robo-Hunter!
2000 AD is the weekly SF anthology comic that brings you the cosmos’s best stories, filled with action and adventure with black humour and a dark satirical edge!
The monthly Judge Dredd Megazine not only showcases new adventures for Judge Dredd, but also series based in his world, further expanding the Dredd universe. In addition, there are interviews with leading writers and artists, and each issue includes a bonus 64-page graphic novel every month, featuring material from the 2000 AD archive!
Legendaris 2000 M, Hakim Dredd Megazine dan puluhan novel grafis digital sekarang tersedia di tablet Android Anda - ditambah komik GRATIS yang luar biasa untuk membaca sekarang!
Instal sekarang untuk membaca gratis film Dredd tie-in komik, ditambah dua isu GRATIS sampler besar atas 2.000 cerita AD menampilkan penegak hukum di masa depan Judge Dredd, koboi mayat hidup Ichabod Azrael, 'gentleman zombie' Zombo, tentara anjing penuh aksi dari Kerajaan, kisah kejahatan Steampunk Stickleback, dan pasca-apokaliptik werewolf seri Age of Wolf!
Aplikasi ini juga memberikan Anda akses ke novel grafis digital mengumpulkan cerita dari 37 tahun terakhir, termasuk lengkap Hakim terlaris Dredd Case Files seri, Hakim Dredd terbaru buku, dan lebih klasik 2000 judul AD seperti Rogue Trooper, Slaine, ABC Warriors, Nikolai Dante, dan Robo-Hunter!
2000 AD adalah mingguan SF antologi komik yang akan membawa Anda cerita terbaik kosmos, penuh dengan aksi dan petualangan dengan humor hitam dan satir tepi gelap!
Bulanan Judge Dredd Megazine tidak hanya menampilkan petualangan baru untuk Judge Dredd, tetapi juga seri yang berbasis di dunianya, lebih memperluas alam semesta Dredd. Selain itu, ada wawancara dengan penulis dan seniman terkemuka, dan setiap masalah termasuk bonus 64-halaman novel grafis setiap bulan, menampilkan materi dari arsip 2000 M!
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