x=1: Learn to solve equations

x=1: Learn to solve equations

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Dalam x = 1 Anda dapat memberi puzzle jalan Anda meskipun persamaan membangun dengan operasi aritmatika dasar dan kurungPecahkan persamaan.
Nikmati matematika tanpa iklan yang mengganggu atau pembelian dalam aplikasi.Namun, Anda bisa menyumbangkan sejumlah kecil, jika Anda benar-benar ingin.

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Yang Terbaru x=1: Learn to solve equations

Mathematical regards,
lot's of improvements coming your way!
* Zero - a term from the other side of the equation is now calculated immediately
* The expansion of the selection is now a tad faster. Keep me updated if this feels good
* The "multiply with -1" button is finally here. Equation played until -x=-1 are no longer cumbersome so solve!
Please tell me any problem you see, so I can fix it as soon as possible:



Versi: 3.1

Butuh: Android 5.0 or later


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