US Police Limousine Car & Bike Transporter
Simulasi | 56.7MB
Transport US police limousine, ATV, Quad Bike and motorcycle through US police aircraft in this exciting simulation game. This 3D simulation game is different from all other US police transport games. You have to park all the vehicles like ATV Quad Bike, Limousine and police motorcycle into the aircraft. Fly that aircraft through the marked air space to the destination and then park the vehicles in-front of police station from the aircraft. You have to fulfill this duty in the given time otherwise you will be punished. You must have the driving skills to drive US police vehicles like how to drive Quad Bike, Cars, Police Bikes and the US police aircraft.
Download now and enjoy the virtual cop duties in this funfilled game US Police Limousine Car & Bike Transporter. This game will give a virtual opportunity to be a US police officer and drive US police transporter trucks. This game is specially for those kids who wants to be US police officers and serve their country.
Try now US Police Limousine Car & Bike Transporter Game by PingOo Games 2018.
limusin polisi transportasi AS, ATV, Quad Bike dan sepeda motor melalui pesawat polisi AS dalam simulasi permainan yang menyenangkan ini. game simulasi 3D ini berbeda dari semua game transportasi polisi AS lainnya. Anda harus parkir semua kendaraan seperti ATV Quad Bike, Limousine dan sepeda motor polisi ke pesawat. Menerbangkan pesawat yang melalui ruang udara yang ditandai ke tujuan dan kemudian memarkir kendaraan di-depan kantor polisi dari pesawat. Anda harus memenuhi tugas ini dalam waktu tertentu jika tidak Anda akan dihukum. Anda harus memiliki keterampilan mengemudi mengemudi kendaraan polisi seperti cara mengemudi Quad Bike, Mobil, Sepeda Polisi dan pesawat polisi AS AS.
Download sekarang dan menikmati tugas polisi virtual dalam game ini funfilled US Polisi Limousine Mobil & Sepeda Transporter. Game ini akan memberikan kesempatan virtual untuk menjadi seorang polisi AS dan mendorong transporter truk polisi AS. Game ini khusus untuk anak-anak yang ingin menjadi polisi AS dan melayani negara mereka.
Coba sekarang US Polisi Limousine Mobil & Sepeda Transporter Permainan oleh PingOo Permainan 2018.