Teen Patti
Teka-teki | 3.5MB
You will find a wide range of puzzles on this app. Some are easy, some are hard, but hopefully most are interesting and a little bit fun. Some of the puzzles are tricks, or Gotchas, some require a little bit of head scratching, some of which could keep you thinking long into the night. Many of the puzzles also have hints to help you along, so you can still have a go without seeing the answer.
Anda akan menemukan berbagai macam teka-teki pada aplikasi ini. Beberapa mudah, beberapa sulit, tapi mudah-mudahan paling menarik dan sedikit bersenang-senang. Beberapa teka-teki trik, atau Gotchas, beberapa memerlukan sedikit kepala menggaruk, beberapa di antaranya bisa membuat Anda berpikir panjang ke malam. Banyak teka-teki juga memiliki petunjuk untuk membantu Anda bersama, sehingga Anda masih dapat memiliki pergi tanpa melihat jawabannya.
Here we came up with exciting app for you guys