ማህሌት, Ethiopian Orthodox Mezmur **
Musik & Audio | 4.8MB
ማህሌት, Ethiopian Orthodox Mezmur provides access to thousands of Ethiopian Orthodox songs. This app lets you play Ethiopian Orthodox music, Eritrean music, Oromo music, Tigrigna music, and other Ethiopian Spiritual mezmur for free.
የሚወዷቸውን የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ዝማሬዎችን በቀላሉ እንዲያደምጡበት አፕሊኬሽን ነው::
Mahlet is an entertainment app for Ethiopians, Eritreans and all Ethiopian Songs lover community.
Get access to thousands of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Songs. በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ መዝሙሮችን ያግኛሉ
Play Ethiopian Mezmur. የፈለጉትን ዝማሬ በነፃ ያጫውቱ
Download any song to play without internet. የፈለጉትን ሙዚቃ ዳውንሎድ ያድርጉ
Easy search by artist, album name and category በዘማሪ ስም፤በአልበምና በአይነት ይፈልጉ
Save your favorite song. የሚወዱትን መዝሙር ያስቀምጡ
Share you comments on your favorite song.
Listen to top downloaded and played songs easily
Watch latest and trending Ethiopian Amharic Mezmur
- Ethiopian Christian TV, EOTV, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo TV, Orthodox TV, and so much more and passionate about this songs.
- Enjoy Ethiopian movies, amharic movies, ethiopian comedy, Kana movies, kana tv, ethiopian music, ethiopian amharic movies, ethiopian movies, Enjoy Eritrean movies, Eritrean music, Oromo music videos, oromo music, oromo film, Oromo music can be found. Tigrigna music, Tigrigna music videos, Tigrigna movies can be found here.
This is an app for all Ethiopian, Ethiopian music lovers, Ethiopian diaspora in USA, Canada, Europe, UK, Australia, Italy and other countries.
ማህሌት, Ethiodian Orthodox Mezmur menyediakan akses ke ribuan lagu Orthodox Ethiopia. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda memainkan musik Ortodoks Ethiopia, musik Eritrea, musik Oromo, musik Tigrigna, dan mezmur Spiritual Ethiopia lainnya secara gratis.
ው ወዷቸውን ኦርቶዶክስ ው ው በቀላሉ ው ው :: ::
Mahlet adalah aplikasi hiburan untuk orang-orang Ethiopia, Eritrea dan semua komunitas pecinta Lagu-lagu Ethiopia.
Dapatkan akses ke ribuan Lagu Tewahdo Ortodoks Ethiopia. በሺዎች የ የ ግኛሉ
Mainkan Etiopia Ethiopia. ጫውቱፈለጉትን ጫውቱዝማሬ
Unduh lagu apa saja untuk diputar tanpa internet. ፈለጉትን ፈለጉትን ዳውንሎ ዳውንሎ ርጉ ርጉ
SearchMudah mencari berdasarkan artis, nama album, dan kategori በ diperintahkan ማሪ ስም ፤ በአልበምና በአይበአይት ይፈልጉ
Simpan lagu favorit Anda. ስቀምጡ ስቀምጡ ስቀምጡ ስቀምጡ
Bagikan komentar Anda pada lagu favorit Anda.
Dengarkan lagu yang diunduh dan dimainkan dengan mudah
Tonton Amharik Mezmur, Ethiopia terkini dan sedang tren
- TV Kristen Ethiopia, EOTV, TV Ortodoks Ethiopia Tewahdo, TV Orthodox, dan banyak lagi dan lebih bersemangat tentang lagu ini.
- Nikmati film Ethiopia, film amharik, komedi ethiopian, film Kana, kana tv, musik ethiopia, film amhiari ethiopian, film ethiopia, Nikmati film Eritrea, musik Eritrea, video musik Oromo, musik oromo, film oromo, musik Oromo dapat ditemukan. Musik Tigrigna, video musik Tigrigna, film Tigrigna dapat ditemukan di sini.
Ini adalah aplikasi untuk semua pecinta musik Ethiopia, Ethiopia, diaspora Ethiopia di AS, Kanada, Eropa, Inggris, Australia, Italia, dan negara-negara lain.
This app lets you play Ethiopian Orthodox music, Eritrean music, Oromo music, Tigrigna music, and other Ethiopian Spiritual mezmur for free.